Monday, March 24, 2008

Wicked video - off road moto-cross and monster trucks.

A friend shared this with me, and since I thought it was so cool, I had to share it with you. Turn up the volume. Done to AC/DC For Those About To Rock. These guys are insane. I salute them!


  1. Thanks for dropping by. This vid is so sweet! I missed it before, I actually have this video on my blog already, somewhere. You were right, it's right up my alley. I haven't seen the one with the guy on the ramp though, ouch! Please drop by again any time. Oh, and thank you for the comment!

  2. Tony, Glad you like, and glad I stirred up a memory of a great Vid. I'll be back to check your site out often. I'll add it to my Google reader account. (RSS feed)

  3. This clip was awsome! I can't wait to show my son who is so into dirt bikes, trucks, and of course motorcycles! I want to show my guy but he is sleeping...he works overnights. You have a great page!

  4. Thanks Harley Girl!

    When you get your own blog going, if you ever do, shoot me an e-mail. I'll check it out!

    Till then, or till you drop me another comment on something else, Cheers!

    And thanks for stopping by.


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