Thursday, April 3, 2008

"No comment" - "I plead the 5th"

I suppose you could say I spend far too much time blogging, and reading other peoples blogs and web sites. Doing so however, I've noticed one thing. Either people are shy or we all write a bunch of crap and people are going off of the rule of thumb, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". I know since I'm a big commentor, I've held back a comment or two due to this rule.
I see some pretty well written posts out there, and some sites with high traffic, and many posts go with no comments at all, and some with just a few.
Granted there are some sites out there that get tons of comments, especially if it is readers going back and forth to each other. This is what it is all about; for us to express our views; share thoughts, and let the writer know what you thought and readers to talk to each other through comments. I welcome comments on my site, positive or negative. I even encourage it. (Be nice.)
To me a comment is like a compliment, an acknowledgement that you read and enjoyed or did not enjoy.
A comment does not have to be some profound statement, or well written article back to the writer. It can be a simple as "Nice", "Thanks", "Cool", "I liked what you had to say, Thanks", "Your a dough head.", "Nanny nanny boo boo Stick your head in doo doo", or it can be an addition to the post with factual knowledge, etc.
However, you are still always welcome to just read and not comment if you wish.
I'm sure if you looked at the sites I link to, and read all their posts, and read their comments, that you will find I comment allot. I hope that those writers that I comment to feel the same as me.
I hope I speak for all fellow bloggers, and web site post writers.
Keep reading, writing, and commenting.
Mr. Motorcycle


  1. Hey,
    I liked what I had to say in my post!

  2. I wonder the same thing often. There are days that we check the traffic to our site and there have been dozens of visitors...but no comments. And there are days when traffic is relatively low, but several new comments came up. How do you figure??

    Oh well, keep amusing us, and we will keep on commenting! :-)

  3. I'm still trying to figure this out. Not sure if the visitors even realize they can comment.
    I'm also surprised by which posts generate many comments unexpectedly and those that I expect that get little or none.

  4. Mr. & Mrs. R.C.,

    It baffles me too. I know I just started this whole blog thing, and my traffic is not that high yet, but even when I look at some really highly trafic pulling sites like Custom Motorcycle talk by Beach Cruiser, and I'm like one of the few comments on a regular basis, I gotta say W.T.F.?!?!

  5. I think I am going to start ending every post with an invitation to comment about it!

  6. Mrs. Road Captain,

    I think that is a good idea, but I may have found a solution. I just added a text above the blog post area with a general statement that will always stay at the top. I'll give it a try and see if it helps.


Comments with links will be deleted, so do not even bother. Hiding a link in your name will not work either.
No one rides for free.