Saturday, April 26, 2008

She snows, and she blows

Not that this is great post material, 'Cause weve all read about it so many times before, but it cannot go without mention.

It is April 26th, 5:39 A.M Central time zone, and it is now blowing I would guess up to 40 M.P.H. wind gusts (Maybe more), and it is snowing.

I know this is Minnesota, but this is not typical to have snow this time of year. I know it won't last, and I'll be riding again soon, but it still frustrates me because I've only had my motorcycle out a handfull of times. Many other years, I'd have had it out plenty by now.

Guess I'll work today instead of ride.

Have a good weekend, and hopefully some of you will get out and enjoy some decent weather.

Maybe I'll live vicariously through you.

Mr. Motorcycle


  1. Alright, now I'm feeling guilty for sitting here this morning with the front door open and thinking I should probably stay out of the sun today. I still look like a freckled, sunburned raccoon from last week's you find something satisfying to do this weekend. Hang in there...the good weather will be back!!

  2. Hey Moonlight,
    Thanks for rubbing it in, Just kidding. Glad someone gets to enjoy good weather. I must say, almost all last week was pretty darn nice here, excluding thursday, Friday, and today so far.

    It is 11:55 A.M. central standard time now and it is till snowing like crazy, but the snow is melting almost as fast as it is falling. Thank God.

    Talk at ya later.

    Mr. Motorcycle

  3. Geez...and I thought the weather here sucked. Hang in there; it can't be much longer.

  4. Joker, almost all of the snow from yesterday is completely gone, except I can still see flurries outside my window righe now as I type this.

    This blows to be stuck inside on a weekend.

    Thanks for the encouragement.

    Mr. Motorcycle


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