Friday, May 9, 2008


This is something I saw on A.K.A. Bikes in the Fast Lane.

I'm not huge on doing reposts, but this one was something that I felt I had to share.

I'm doing this on the assumption that not everyone reads that blog. And I would hate for any of the people who read my blog to miss out on this if they were interested.

It is a really great option for those of us without saddle bags on our motorcycles, or a great option for anyone just looking for quick access to the wallet, cell phone, going through tolls if touring, etc.
I always wonder how I'm going to haul my stuff. My pockets in my leather jacket get stuffed, and I don't always want to wear a jacket, especially when it's hot. Sometimes I get lucky and ride with others who are willing to share their saddle bag or luggage bag storage with me.
I can't do the back pack thing. It doesn't work for my look, and fanny pack? Not fitting of the look either in my opinion.

I'm seriously thinking about getting one. It is really affordable.
I believe this might even come in handy for bikers, "like the kind that pedal".
Be sure to check out their website for more details.


  1. This looks like a cool option for the saddlebag challenged. The only thing I wonder is how comfortable it will be when worn while sitting.

    I spent the first 3 months I had my Sporty with no saddlebags and it drove me crazy. All I could do was bungee a sweatshirt with a few things rolled up inside it to the bitch seat, which got old real quick. I can't relax in a restaurant or a bar knowing my stuff isn't secure. I also felt awkward always asking the baggers if I could store stuff with them, even though they were glad to do it for me.

    Now, I can carry extra eyewear, clothes, first-aid kit, etc. I really love it when I start out in the morning on a ride when it's chilly, and as the day goes on, I can lose my chaps and other layers into the bags as it warms up. The best thing is I can put a soft sided cooler with a couple of freeze packs in one bag with some water/sodas/beers and be all set for a full day of riding.

    I can't imagine not having saddlebags now. But, if I didn't, that grabitpack would be something I'd really consider. Let me know how it is if you get it - some of my buddies are in similar situations. They are so committed to the "look" of their rides they suffer with no place to put stuff. I respect that, but I definitely don't envy it.

  2. Thanks for your insight. I totally agree with you. I'm one of those who have sacrificed everything for the looks, but I knew that going into this bike that that was my intention in he first place. Maybe sometime I'll think about getting a different bike that is meant for more comfort and convenience. My problem is I love the bike I got, and I can't affford to own two at this time.

  3. A few weeks ago on a dinner ride I saw one of the ladies wearing a small purse on her hip...instead of a strap, it was hooked on each end to her belt loops! It was much more stylin' than a fanny pack. I hate to carry a purse myself, but I thought it was a pretty cool way for the ladies to have quick access to wallets, etc. Same idea as your gadget!

  4. Cool gadget, I'm personally not very fond of Tank Bags primarily because of the inconvenience of removing the thing to avoid the threat of some dismal creature going through my stuff when I'm not looking.

    Kind of a fanny pack for guys who really don't like to say the word "fanny".

    I enjoy your site, I visit here often.

  5. Mrs. R.C., and Earl T.,

    Thanks for stopping by to read and comment.

    Earl, I checked out your site. I like your new picture for the blog title area.

  6. Oh yeah, I like this. You could pack a desert eagle in that thing! This is a pretty awesome deal and looks good too. Thanks for the finger.

  7. Dave,
    If you've got a Desert Eagle, remind me to never piss you off!

    Just kidding.
    I agree though, about the looks. It actually looks cool, like someone had a biker in mind. This is the first real viable option I've found for me to carry extra stuff without the look of back pack, or fanny pack.

  8. Thanks for the link, I've found a similar one here:


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