Tuesday, May 20, 2008

motorcycle friendly road

In case you don't read Bikes in the Fast lane, I figured this was too good not to share.

Motorcycle friendly road.


  1. I'm moving to Norway. Only problem is no matter how safe you make the roads, some turd is going to bite off way more than he can handle take himself out...oh well. No wonder that place in the world is know has having the happiest citizens on the planet.

  2. Dave, It sure would be nice if they started doing stuff like that around here wouldn't it? Especially the trimming and such to help increase visibility around corners, etc.

  3. Most of the population just wants us to kill ourselves brother, so don't count on it. Helmet laws were put in place to save the taxpayers money so they sure as hell are not going to spend that savings on something make us ride more,...now are they. heh...pffft. I'm going to keep the faith right along with you though!


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