Friday, May 23, 2008

The Sixth Sense

From the twisted mind of Mr. Motorcycle

I always cary my digital camera to capture moments such as this.

I was riding my motorcycle and pulled up to this truck at a stop light. I noticed something a little odd. The box in the lower left hand corner read in upside down letters, "Dustys Body". I thought to myself, that is odd! This does not look like a hurse. Then I realized it was just a flat bed truck carrying a box with Dusty's dead body in it.
Yes, my sixth sense had kicked in. I see dead people.
I'm guessing no one else can see the dead body but me.


  1. I saw something unusual today as well...two guys on one Harley. I was going to take a picture on my cell phone, but didn't want to gross out any of my friends with it.

  2. Nate K.,

    2 guys + 1 Harley = 2X as Manly right?

    Just Kidding. I hope for these two guys, this was in need of a desperate ride from Point A to Point B.

    I had to ride bitch on the back of Daren's Motorcycle once, when we were out, and I broke the belt on my bike. I had no choice, unless I wanted to wait for him to get the trailer by himself. It was a long ride one way to get the trailer, so I opted for the bitch ride.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a homophobe. People should be able to do as they like without being judged. But I'm not gay, and I sure felt like it at that moment. It was quite akward.

  3. Well, Mr.M, as I was checking out the pict, I started seeing dusty's foot, dusty's leg and dusty's head on the other boxes. Maybe you were following a "cleaner", you know, the guy who comes and cleans after one of the Sopranos?

  4. Dave,

    You see em too???

    That's really funny Sh*t.
    I laughed soo loud, My wife yelled from downstairs, "What's so funny up there?" I said nothing, just a comment I read.


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No one rides for free.