Monday, June 30, 2008

My weekend in review

This weekend held no major riding for me, as I happily committed myself to breaking my eldest nephew into the fine art of burping, farting, and fishing. We invited him to his first "Man" outing. He is five years old. Myself, my son, father in law, brother in law and his 5 yr old went camping. Needless to say, we all had a blast. It was well worth forgoing a weekend ride.

Just to scratch the itch, I did hop on the bike for a cruise around the neighborhood (literally) last night.

So since I don't have much else to leave you with today, I give you ... "one liner biker wit"....

Loud pipes drown out the voices in my head.


  1. Male bonding time. Only when hanging out with the guys can bodily smells and sounds be truly appreciated.
    Love the one-liner!

  2. Sounds like you had fun! That one-liner is great!

  3. Ann,
    lots o fun. Thanks

    magical fruit is just, well, magical!

  4. By the way,
    I've been working ton's lately.
    I've been suffering from a case of PMS. parked motorcycle syndrome.

    Those voices in my head keepe getting louder. They tell me I should go ride.


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