Wednesday, June 4, 2008

One liner biker wit

I'm not easily distrac-

Hey look a motorcycle!


  1. Hey, that's me!
    Seriously, I've been caught several times stopping in mid-sentence and gazing into the distance when I hear a motorcycle. I think once I even.....

  2. Me too! I have a window right where I sit all day at my office. I can hear the taunting calls of motors going down the road all day long. On several occasions, while talking to a patient, I will absolutely stop talking and look out the window to try and catch a glimpse of what's going down the road. What can I say, I'd rather be riding than working.

  3. Dean,

    I know exactly what you mean.
    I took a bit of time off from being a biker with a bike after I got in a motorcycle accident when I was a newleywed. My head would eventually turn everytime I'd see a bike, and I'd loose all focus on any conversation happening at the time. This eventually led my wife to tell me to go and get another bike, cause I wasn't myself without riding motorcyc....

    Lady R.,

    I ride around in a car 1/2 of my day for my job. I have no choice. Can't possibly haul all the crap I need for my job on a motorcycle. Besides, my company would frown upon it if I could. When it is nice out, I'm out there with the bikes, while sitting in my cage, whishing I was on my bike too.

  4. This sounds like me and the hubby. The funny thing is, my 10-year-old daughter is now pointing out bikes to us!

  5. I think we are all like this. I'd be with a group of riders and someone we don't know goes by on their bike and whoever was talking at the time stops and we all look at the bike going by, lol.

  6. Ann and Biker Betty,

    Thank you both for stopping by, taking time to read, and comment here. I've checked out both of your blogs, and like em. I've added both to my google reader, so I can follow along with your posts. You'll see mer of me for sure!.


    I don't know if you shoud be proud as hell of your 10 year old, or scared as hell! LOL!

    Biker Betty,

    I think we can all relate to PMS- Parked Motorcycle Syndrome stares of jealousy when others ride by and we are standing still. Just can't get enough bikes.

  7. Mr. Motorcycle: I'm equally proud as hell, and scared as hell! LOL! :)

    Thanks for adding me to your reader! :)

  8. Thanks so much. I can also say that there are so many awesome bikes out there that I'm too short to ride on my own, sigh.

    Your blog is great and I have added you to my side links. I look forward to your future posts.


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No one rides for free.