Thursday, July 17, 2008

The farmer

Non biker, but this video is too good not to share.


  1. Amen to that! I have two daughters, and I think I would have shot him too! LOL!

    My Dad had rifles, shotguns, etc. all over the house. On the walls, by the back door, everywhere. So when a guy came to pick me up, it was very intimidating! And, I grew up in a very small town, and everyone knew my Dad's nickname was Shotgun. Oh yeah, that made it tough to get a date!

  2. LOL! That was funny! My dad used to say raising a daughter is more stressful than raising sons. His quote was, "With your son, you only have one dick to worry about. With your daughter, you have to worry about every dick in town! LOL! Something I never forgot.

  3. Ann,
    That's really funny! Puts a litle truth behind the term shotgun wedding doesn't it?!

    Lady R.,
    I love it. I gotta remember that one.

    To All,
    But seriously... My wife jokes that I'll be a dick to any guys who try to take out my little girl when she is old enough to date. Fact of the matter is I know it's bound to happen soon. There's no way around it, or stopping it. She is almost 13, going on 18. She has a cute boy list, etc. All I can hope for realisticly, is that the guys she does date, and the guy she'll likely eventually marry will treat her with respect, and love. That's all. However, if they aren't that way, There'll be Hell to pay! :-D

  4. Ha! That was needed today, definately needed. I'll have to post a story that happened a couple of weeks ago regarding this. Thanks for the laugh.

  5. I actually put on my leathers and vest and act like I'm working on the bike.....I made all my daughters boyfriends come in thru the garage.
    A couple of guys,when they saw hairy biker dad....Split before even coming up the driveway:]

  6. FLHX Dave,

    Can't wait for your story.
    As for the laugh, Any time Bro.!

    Big Daddy,
    I am afraid, I'll likely fall to the same level and try this myself. I am her Dad after all.

    They guys who took off... Were they pussies or what? I would have thought you were one of the cool dads, and asked, if I could see your bike? I may have never made it past the garage, and she would have had to come out to see what the hell was taking me so long to come to the door.

  7. an oldie but a goodie!

  8. Mrs. RC,

    Funny how that works. You can have a bunch of people who know a particular joke, and have heard it a hundred times, and then you find some who have never heard it once.

    Suprisingly, as many jokes as I've heard and told over the years, that this was a first for me.


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