Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sturgis store!

HEY, I wanted help spread the word that my friends Beach and Train from http://www.thebeachcruiser.com/blog/, have recently opened up a Sturgis merchandise store. Here, http://www.thebeachcruiser.com/catalog/index.php, you can get top of the line quality authentic Sturgis gear.
They offer a wide variety of top of the line quality merchandise at a very fair price. I can't buy this kind of stuff at the dealer for less.
The following is "bits and pieces" from their post on July 4th.
The Sturgis store is up. The shirts come in all the normal sizes s-xxxl and some in 4x. These are great shirts and the prices are excellent. There are also jackets & other cool items and memoroabilia. The store will be open all year long and there will be new inventory posted often.We are proud of this effort and the goods are first class!!! The prices can’t be beat, the site is secure and everything will be shipped on a timely basis.
Get your stuff here before, during and after the event. Sturgis belongs to everyone in the biker community so: wear something cool that shows you support the GREATEST motorcycle event in the world!!!


  1. This is great for the many people like me who are too broke for Sturgis.

    In fact, this year we're even too broke for the 'Too Broke For Sturgis' rally in Arizona! It's a sad sign of the times, really. ;)

  2. Ann,
    I won't be doing Sturgis either, or anything remotely close to it this year. My vacation times already been spent!

    Oh, well. Will ride local every chance I get.

    Hell, even 2.5 gallons of gas in my bike cost me 10 bucks to top off today! This sucks!

  3. Hey Mr. M!

    Thanks so much for the kudos! The store has even more features now with some really nice ladies' designs. So all of you please head on over to http://www.thebeachcruiser.com/catalog/
    and get your orders in now! There's still time to receive them before the really.

    Also, we wanted to let you know that one of our readers, Merrill, who owns a theatre turned us on to this super cool biker flic that will be coming out soon. You can read about that and get the link to the trailer at http://www.thebeachcruiser.com/blog/2008/07/13/hell-ride.html

    I wish we could get it here, but we are too far out in the boonies. We'll definitely snag the DVD when it comes out.

    Ride free,
    Train and Beach

  4. Oh Hell yeah!
    I gotta see this one!

  5. I am so excited that Sturgis is almost here and I agree that is it is cool that a lot of the broke people are still making their way to Sturgis, I wouldn’t want to miss this year.
    I just started working with progressive motorcycle insurance since I started I have been finding out so much about motorcycles and the culture. It’s so awesome. Since finding out more about the whole “Motorcycle Culture” I have heard nothing but how amazing Sturgis is and I can’t wait to check it out. We’ll be at Thunder Road at Sturgis giving away a FREE Exclusive Sucker Punch Sallys custom-designed T-shirt. If you like T-shirts, this is the one to get at this years Sturgis.
    All you have to do is visit http://motorcycle.progressive.com/, go to where it says Events and Rallies and print out the coupon. Present that coupon at our booth at Thunder Road and get your free exclusively designed Sucker Punch Sallys T-shirt, only given away at Sturgis. We’ll also have some other free fun stuff you got to check out, you’ll see once you get there. Oh, and while you’re there you can also enter to win a custom Suck Punch Sally’s bike. It’s an old school beauty.
    Come on over to the progressive booth, we would love to say hello!
    Hope I didn’t over step my bounds by posting on your blog, and if you have any questions or want more info please feel free to shoot me an e-mail!
    Hope to see you there. Ride Safe.
    Gia Anderson
    Brand Ambassador


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