Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Grand Marais Fisherman's Picnic Weekend

Been gone for a while.

Thursday last week, I was cleaning up some loose ends at work. I took Friday off, and headed up north to Grand Marais, MN with my wife.
We went there for our now annual Grand Marais Fisherman's Picnic weekend to meet a few of my wifes friends, who have now become my friends. The scenery there is stunning. I'd like to retire around the North Shore someday, and lucky for me, my wife is totally on board with this
plan. We stayed in a quaint cabin just outside of downtown. We ate, we drank, and shopped in town, enjoyed the festival, had a camp fire dinner with our friends, and parted ways the next morning. My wife and I spent the last day there together, and just enjoyed each other's company. We saw some incredible scenery and views as we headed along the Gunflint Trail. I was so into the beautiful views in front of me, I was just, well, dumfounded, and too lame to take any pictures. I take that back. I have a few on my camera phone. Now if I can just find time to figure out how to get them off!
I got another souvenier knife.
I love knives, especially when I can tie it into being a biker knife, that makes it even better.
I got back from our trip to start work the following day. I spent the last two days in a training class, and got absolutely nothing done as far as my real job goes. Now I'm really far behind the 8-ball. I really don't even have time to be posting this. I'd like to lay blame on my temp. who did absolutely nothing while I was away, but... Oh wait.... I don't have a temp. All the work just piles up while I'm gone. As a matter of fact, I was even assigned more work while I was on vacation! Bastards. Nothing like job security right???
Please excuse my absence as of late, and in near future. I have much catching up to do. I'll try to catch up on my regular blogs I read, and we'll talk to you all soon.
Mr. Motorcycle


  1. Sounds like a nice trip! Some of the best trips we've taken are the ones where we don't have anything scheduled, just enjoy each others' company.

    Love the knife!

    Yeah, my full time job is finding a job right now, and the work keeps piling up! Resumes, interviews, phone calls, etc., etc. Busy, busy, busy! :)

  2. Hot knife.
    But how well does it cut through margarine?

  3. Glad you got out, sorry you had to get back in. Always seems to work out that way. It's almost like you get punished for having a life.

    Dig the fancy display for the knife. You said it cut tile? heh, nice.

  4. I know the catching up feeling! I'm still doing it! LOL!

    I'm trying to catch up on everyone's blogs that I haven't gotten the rest of my vacation post up yet! I better get busy!

  5. I know what you mean about the work piling up. Sometimes I cringe at the thought of how much work is on my desk after taking a day off.

    Sounds like a beautiful area to get away. Would've been nice to see some pictures though! (A-hemm!)

  6. Tony,


    It was a beautiful trip. Can't wait to go again next year, or maybe this winter. It is just as pretty then...... As your work keeps piling up, keep the smiling up!

    Big D.,
    Thanks, "How well does it cut through margarine?"... It Cuts like butter!

    FLHX Dave,

    Yeah, back to the grind. That place is my reminder why I work, so I can hopefully retire there someday. I'd do it now, but I don't want to uproot my kids lives.

    The knife, wish it cut tile. That is just a coaster on my desk. thought it would look cool.

    Lady R,
    When posting this catch up post, I though of you and your trip. Can't wait to read your post!

    Dean D-Day,
    Just for you, I hi-jacked som pics from my wife. I just posted them a minute ago.


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