Friday, September 19, 2008

For any local Minnesotans and Cheeseheads alike, the 43rd annual fall Flood Run is tomorrow!

I have been so busy at work, doing overtime as the weather has been perfect for the overtime. Unfortunately, this leaves little time for me to go for rides. I get out about 4 days a week, if not only for a short half hour or so, but I at least get to scratch the itch as they say. I got out for a bit longer yesterday, and thought about the ride coming up tomorrow. Tomorrow's ride is the 43rd annual Fall Flood Run. This ride benefits the Gillette's Children's Hospital.

I'll be partaking in this ride, and can't wait. It's been a while since I've been on a "real" ride. Unfortunately, I had prior commitments for the later half of the day, so my ride will have to be cut short. I'll make the most of it though.

This ride follows the Mississippi River. It has two runs. One on the Minnesota side, and simultaneously runs on the Wisconsin side of the river. More to come later. Stay tuned.


  1. Have a good time. I can't wait to hear all about it.

  2. Have a great run and a great time! May a flood of bikes flow like a river for the forces of good.

  3. B.B.,
    Thanks, I will.
    I'll post some pics, and brief descriptions, but don't expect a detailed ride report. I don't do those.

    A little information on the name Flood Run: from their site
    Over the year's, the Flood Run has grown and gone thru many changes as one of the oldest and larger runs in America.

    The original run went down Minnesota highway 61 to Winona to help sandbag during the 1965 floods.

    Through the years, many people avoided the traffic of Hastings MN. and Red Wing MN. by riding down Wisconsin 35. Now the run has grown to a massive number of motorcycles and to alleviate the congestion going into some of the towns, we are adding the original nostalgia run down the Minnesota side.

    Incorporating the whole Mississippi River Valley. It floods on both sides of the river.

    The Flood Run has always been a charity event.
    From throwing sandbags in 1965 to buying a Benefit Wristband to support a great cause!


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