"I pulled you over for Speeding. Do you have any idea how fast you were going?"

Regardless of what you ride, even if you don't ride at all, EVERYONE is welcome here.

Mr. Motorcycle

I am

My photo
I live at 1 Frozen place in, Minnesota, United States
My real name is Mark. For many years now my wife has called me Mr. Motorcycle. When I started my Blog I was looking for a catchy blog name, so I went with it. I'm happily married and I'm also a father of 6 children. I have two human offspring, one dog, two cats and one custom Harley. I believe that makes 6 children. When I'm not doing my real full time job, or going for a ride, I like to do art, custom paint jobs, and of course BLOG. If you would like to contact me, my e-mail address is phonetically spelled for avoiding spammers. (I actually do use the number 1 in the beginning.) 1mrmotorcycleATgmailDOTcom

*****This is my Bliss*****

*****This is my Bliss*****
Depending on your settings, Click, or Double Click on the image for full size photo.
The photo above is my ride :
"Kenny" started life as a stock '97, 883 Sportster. It's been a work in progress since the day I bought it many years ago. Its mostly custom with a built, "slightly juiced up" 1200 motor.
The Metal Fabrication, bodywork and custom paint was done by me.

How the Hell did I come up with a name like Kenny for my bike you ask?...... Most people who name their rides, go with chick names. I of course had to be different. I think bikes look tough, cool and masculine; not feminine. Plus, my father "Ken" has helped make me who I am today. Therefore with a little twist on the name, my bike was named "Kenny".


Come check out my custom paint! Click on the logo above to go to my custom paint blog.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Passin out the candy

I live in a newer construction residential development, thus where with out exaggerating, the kids will get bussed in. They can clean me out of a bag of 300 treats in a matter of an hour and a half. There will be a constant streaming line with little to no breaks, until the little kids are gone. Except for the little kids which we buy good treats for, we buy cheap small stuff for the bigger kids.

I'll be handing out candy till the rotten teenagers that are way too old to trick or treat are still knocking at the door. Eventually, I'll have had enough and I'll turn off the lights.

I may be a prick, but I made my kids stop trick or treating for this exact same reason when they turned thirteen.

I get annoyed when a sixteen year old knocks at my door at 10:30, no costume, no bag, and asks for a free handout. That Ain't what this was supposed to be about was it?

Do you want to know how I really feel? LOL! Just kidding. I LOVE the little ones in their costumes. It's just the big ones causing the problem here.

I'm all about Haloween. I do love it.


Dean "D-Day" said...


My friend and I usually harrass the older ones until they walk away in shame with their tail between their legs.

Love the little ones though!

Lady R (Di) said...

I dress up to pass out candy a lot of times. I get mixed reactions from the kids, depending how old they are. One time, one cute little holly hobby girl came up and was surprised to see me dressed like a witch. She pondered me a moment before she reached in her bucket and wanted to give ME a piece of candy! She stole my heart so I gave her a big hand full! I like to watch the kids!

Lucky said...

I stopped trick or treating when I was 13, I think. It might have been when I was 12.

Some of my friends went out when we were 16. I was embarassed on their behalf.

Anonymous said...

I know we don't have enough candy this year. There is no way those 2 giant bags will be enough.

Ann said...

I totally agree! My kids stopped at 13, too. Vicki is 10, and she needs to enjoy it while she can.

Anonymous said...

I stopped trick or treating after the 6th grade. When I was 12, I dressed up in my Princess Leia costume, and escorted my little 2-yr old brother around the block. I refused to carry a bag with me. I'll never forget, one of my neighbors that I babysat for insisted on giving me candy even though I said I didn't want any.

It grates my last nerve when I hear my high school students talking about going out trick or treating. And the ones who don't even have a costume and show up at my house with a king size pillow case for a sack just make me want to scream! Teens should be helping their parents out by supervising younger siblings, handing out candy at home so Mom can supervise the young-uns, or hanging out in a coffin in the front yard to suddenly come alive and scare the shit out of the obnoxious older trick-or-treaters when they try to come knocking on the door.

Wanna know how I really feel?

Anonymous said...

I don't usually mind handing out candy to anyone who comes to the door -- little kids or teenagers -- but I don't like it when they mess with my stuff after I gave them something. I actually cussed out a couple of ten-year olds tonight for blowing out the candles in my jack-o-lanterns tonight. I watched them do it, then they tried to deny it. Little bastards...

Mr. Motorcycle said...

Way funny. I should try that next year!

Lady R.,
Like you , I like to get into it. My daughter (13) dressed up with me to pass out candy. I didn't really dress up, I took a gun and shot myself between the eyes, and let the blood drip down my nose. The kids thought it was pretty ghoulish. One of them asked me if it was real. LOL!

I'm embarrassed for them too. It drives me crazy to see teenagers trick or treating.

Did you run out?

We are on the same page.

Mrs. R.C.,

Kuddos to you for helping out the siblings when you were to old, but still young. I saw it happen only once last night. I thought it was cool. She was dressed up to be in the spirit, but had no bag, and no intent of trick or treating.

I give it out to the teenagers for fear of being F***d with like you said. I don't want to get egged or anything like that over a stinking piece of candy.

TRT said...

Hey man thanks for dropping by my blog, you are my first OFFICIAL post (other than my wife). You have a great talent for painting, the paint job pictured on your blog is great. I look forward to following your blog.

Unknown said...

We live in a historic area and unfortunately have no trick or treaters. Bummer.

Webster World said...

We live out in the country. We get none. When I was little where I live is where you got big candy bars. I stopped when I was about 12. This old lady(and we are sure it was her) gave us nibbled on chicken bones. Waxed windows don't ya know. Gee I felt bad.

monkey said...

hey mr M wheres the episode 10 review?

Mr. Motorcycle said...

Monkey, not sure how you missed episode 10 review. It's there. but after this post. Here is the post:
