Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blog Roll

For those of you who have blog rolls, and have included my blog on your list, I want to say thank you.

For those of you who do, you may have checked my blog to see if you are on mine, only to find out I do not have a blog roll on my site. Sorry.

I have "over" 30 some blogs that get checked on a daily basis in my "Google Reader". The list continually grows. I have a hard time keeping up with reading and commenting on these, let alone maintaining my own blog at times.

I made a conscious decision at one time to remove the blog roll from my site. I did this because, I always felt like I was missing someone who visits my site. Every new comment I get, I read. I don't always respond, due to volume, and my time constraints. Like I said two posts ago, If a new person visits, and leaves me a comment, I'll go check out their profile. If they have a blog, I'll check that out too. If the blog is interesting to me, I'll add it to my Google Reader, and get updates when they do a new post.

I know there are tons more blogs out there that are of interest to me that I cannot posibly read, or give proper credit to on a blog roll, therefore I choose not to have one at all.

I fault no one for having one, and like I said, If my blog is on it, thanks!

I just wanted to clear the air officially as to why you are not on my blog roll. It's because I don't have one, and now you know why.)


  1. I find that I run into the same problem. I regularly read many great blogs about motorcycles every day that aren't listed on my blog roll. It's not meant to intentionally snub anyone but I have hard time keeping up with all the great new ones I find.

    Great idea putting a public apology out there. I should probably think about doing the same thing.

  2. Well I'm glad for the ones that do roll. I'd of never found most all of you. I did get in to this from finding Mr. M on the

  3. I don't think an apology is necessary, but thank you for caring enough about our feelings to do it.
    I try to add people to my list when we start having a regular communication, but I probably have snubbed someone at some point unintentionally. The blog roll makes it a little bit easier for me to keep track, but I understand why you don't have one. As long as you don't start blocking my comments I'll be happy. :)

  4. I guess this was not meant so much as an apology as an explanation. I just figured since blog rolls came up today on Road Captain USA's blog. that I'd write about why I don't have one. I figured some of you may have wondered why.

  5. Blog Roll - Hard Roll. Sometime you just run out of room. Most of the time I wind up using links off other Blogs anyway.

    There is just so much good stuff to read out there.

  6. well worth the read. I found it very informative as I have been researching a lot lately on practical matters such as you talk about…


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