Monday, November 24, 2008

Son's of Anarchy... Newbie... Son's of Anarchy...Newbie

I couldn't decide what to name this post, Son's of Anarchy, or newbie. Seeing is it is about both the Son's of Anarchy show, and a newbie to comments on my blog.

Anyway, anytime I see a comment on my blog, I read it. I never skip past a single one. I may not comment on everyone, especially when it's on a hot topic and I can't keep up, or when I'm extremely busy, but I never miss reading one.

When I get a comment from someone new, who has never left a comment before, I always check out their profile if they have one, and then if they have a blog, I'll go an check it out as well.

I guess this is how we "spread the love" as I like to call in in Bloggerville.

I'd like to welcome and introduce to you,
Jocelyn from Physical Possum, whom left a comment on my post last Thursday from Son's of Anarchy Episode 12 review. I went and checked out her site. She had a post on her site from Friday Nov. 12th that was like the best summary of the show I've seen yet. This in itself is worth reading. If you need a briefing on the show as a whole in one short read. She definitely sums it up nicely. Hell even if you know what's going on, check it out.

Her post is called..... How much is too much?

What are you waiting for man?..... Go and check it out already!


  1. Thanks for the link Mr. Motorcycle! It's nice to have someone other than my MOM or sister read what spills out of my head.

    I'm already drooling over Wednesday's finale. Good thing Wednesday is FFY (fend for yourself!) night in our house. I'll be able to get all my *cough* motherly duties *cough* over with and firmly plant my behind in the bed at 10:00 to watch the show.

    And if the husband is snoring like a bastard (see LAST NIGHT!) I'll be watching it again at 11:00 from the couch!

  2. Jocelyn,
    No thanks needed.

    Funny we use the term "fend for yourself" regarding dinner at our house too.

  3. Thought you might be interested to know that SOA star Charlie Hunnam and series exec producer Kurt Sutter will be chatting live with fans on Fancast today at 2pm(EST). Great opportunity to pick their brains! Check it out Live Sons of Anarchy Chat on Fancast

  4. Actually, at my house we used to call it DEfend for yourself night! LOL

    welcome Jocelyn! :-)


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