Friday, December 19, 2008

winter project

It's cold outside in Minnesota. Too cold to ride up here in the Great Northwest, so I started a Red Neck project trike.

Just kidding. A friend of mine passed this along.
This is one of the strangest trikes yet.


  1. Mr. M: There is a reason it is on a trailer. It's a friggin' Fiat! Fiat=Fix It Again Tony. This guy is going to be pushing more then he is going to be puttin'.


  2. Lady R- I would love to be the one to test drive it!
    Uh oh! Does that make me the Bubba?

    Fasthair has a point though. I'd have to put a second seat on it first. So I could take along my own mechanic.

  3. Dean... if the boot fits, your a Bubba!

    BTW... my word verification was... "untryto" give up.

  4. Ha, you ALMOST had me going for a second there! Funny, my friends and I use to say the same things about FIAT's "fix it again Tony" We thought we were original!

  5. Whoa! Back the horsie up y'all. That's just what I was looking for. How much you want? You take food stamps? Can I test ride it? Will you deliver? How's the mileage? Heater work? Tires good? Maintenance records? What's scrap metal going for?

  6. That's awesome, should make packing for trips easier.

  7. I gest gotts to hav me ones of does.

  8. Every biker gang needs one of these. Heavy weapons and "carcass in progress" transport.

    Now we know what you really do for a living.


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