Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ain't It supposed to be a Chevy Bowtie?

Something I saw yesterday, and thought WTF?!


  1. Those long cold winters really take their toll on the psyche, don't they? That poor bastard must be confused! LOL!

  2. Looks like its part of the racing stripes (top of cab). But to a die-hard Chevy fan, that’s a reason to open up a case of spray paint whoop ass!

  3. I give up...stick to the "F" Series. This guy is not satisfied with either of the other ones. It's like having a wife and a mistress living under the same roof...imagine the conflicts he must have to put up
    Poor Bastard.!

  4. Is this one of those guys we've talked about before who wears his Harley jacket while riding his Honda?

  5. I knew it was part of the racing stripes, and they just went around the lettering, but I'm sure even the owner of the truck has thought, Shit, looks kind of like the Chevy Bowtie!

  6. Funny. You sure have an eye for finding this weird stuff.

  7. My camera is almost always with me. When I see stuff like this, I'm glad I've got it. I'm always pissed when I have no camera, and a blogable Kodak moment appears.

  8. I’m in the market. What kind of camara?

  9. I use a Nikon CoolpixS9

    It is small, lightweight, and takes a decent photo. 6.1 Megapixels, and #X zoom.

    It's a pretty popular digital in the mid-range price. The only problem with most mid-range priced digitals, including this one, is no instant shots. There is always that cheap digital camera delay, that causes you to miss some really good spur of the moment pictures.

    For instant response time in digitals, You need to spend about $600.00 or more, and unless you are really into photos, and blowing them up large, the quality does not seem that much different to me.

  10. Correction to my latest comment. It was to be 3x zoom, not #x zoom.

    Also I forgot to mention that the expensive good cameras are big. I like my camera to be able to fit comfortably in my pockets.

  11. I did the WTF when I first saw it, then I looked closer and see it's actually closer to a plus sign, even though when you look quick it looks more like the Chevy bowtie.

    Maybe the guy's a math teacher?

  12. Joker, I agree with you. Definitely closer to a plus sign, but still makes you go WTF at first.

  13. I'm with Dean. I immediately thought of the dude with the Harley jacket on his Honda!

    And Joker...excuse me, but what are you trying to say about math teachers?

  14. Dean,
    I was wondering if anyone would catch that one. Good eye! I didn't think anyone would click on the image to read the license plate!

  15. Must be the small amount of "cop" left in me.

  16. I dated (read: slept with) a guy who had the Chevy bowtie tattoo'd on his chest. I was drunk, and his shirt was on when I picked him up.

    Anyway, here's my new blog. Not much on it yet. :)

  17. Another poor sap who is afraid to offend someone. Looks like a "politically correct" logo paint job; I see Ford, Chevy and Dodge in there together. Everyone should be happy now.

  18. also note the slanted 8 decal in the back window. He must be a Dale Earnhardt, Jr fan too (Chevrolet). Perhaps the reliability of a Chevrolet was too much for him, so he bought a Dodge so he could meet a lot of nice mechanics.


  19. As a painter would you not but paint the opposite colors instead of what he did?

  20. WW,
    Considering that the letters would go through both colors, I'd of done something completely different.


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