Saturday, January 31, 2009

Save the dogs

I was over at Life At Perewitz's blog, and read about this.
No use rewriting what was already there. For the most part I just copied an pasted.
Please help spread the word, and do your part.

Change (in the life of animals) we can all participate in.
Please tell ten friends to tell ten today!
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals.
It takes less than a minute (How about 20 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box "Click here to give" for free. This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned or neglected animals in exchange for advertising.
Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.



  1. I added it to my fav list.
    I will click on it everyday.
    Thanks for pointing it out.

    On a side note...why are the word vers getting longer?
    Pretty soon the word itself will be longer than the post.


  2. I want that puppy in your picture! How cute! I too, made this a new favorite place and I will click on it at least once every time I sit down at the puter. I love animals, and I wish I could do more sometimes. We take our old newspapers to our Humane Shelter and when I do, I usually swing by Walmart and buy a big bag of dog food and cat food to take with me. Any donations are always welcome and needed.

    Thanks for helping spread the word.

  3. I'm a new "clicker" to their site daily. Thanks Mr. M for making us aware.

  4. Click, Click, Click! And that little puppy is soooooo sweet! I wanna hold him!!! :)

  5. I'm happy to oblige. I've posted it to My Yahoo page...I check that every day to see my feeds. That way I'm sure not to forget to click for the cats and dogs.

  6. Thanks for informing us. I will click every day and spread the word, too.

  7. I done the good deed and will pass the word around.
    Got 3 dogs at home
    A Golden Retriever
    A Dane/something mix
    A Bichon/Shitzu
    Now I gotta work 2 jobs to feed them

  8. Done deal. I put it on my face book as well.

  9. Mr. M: Done. Added shortcut to the desktop to click on daliy. Even clicked on a couple of their adds which I NEVER do.



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No one rides for free.