Thursday, January 15, 2009

When ink goes wrong. Very very wrong...

Can you say laser removal time???


  1. Wow. That. Is. Terrible.

    Can he sue the tattoo artist for that monstrosity?! WTF?!

  2. I guess they could tattoo over it with an image of a large bowling ball or something - that would suck

  3. I don't think it looks bad. It's got "Character"...that's all

  4. Is it just me... or is that a little creepy?

  5. I would have wanted to see some prior portrait tattoos from the artist before letting them attempt the photo on my arm in ink.

    I can draw, or paint lots of things, except portraits. No matter how hard I try, or practice, I can't seem to get them right. I'm guessing this tattoo artist can tattoo just about anything too. The basics of the portrait are close, but no cigar. Just enough to make the subject look kind of hideous. Portrait art takes a special kind of talent that this particular tattoo artist clearly does not possess.

  6. No Lady R...that's not a little creepy. That's really creepy!
    Looks like a zombie movie reject.
    Next time, just have their name inked.

  7. add a couple of horns sticking out of the forehead, color the face red....BAM! you have a she devil....problem solved!

  8. This is why you never share your bottle with the guy that cuts you before he does his work! I guess he could mess up her teeth a little more and she would be the mirror image of teh Queen of England!

  9. Looks like one of those Eastern Evil Gods! Sumo-Demon! Hmmm...maybe I should get into tat-work. It has a resemblence, but the "message" isn't there.

  10. That is why I would never get a portrait!!

  11. I'm a little confused? Is the owner of that tattoo showing it off? Think I'd move back to wearing sleeves full time.


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