Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Crack in the windshield

Driving down the road, out of the blue a very large crack appears in the windshield. I try to look left, I try to look right, either way, that damned crack was still in my vision.


Can you even put words into an explanation for this???


  1. Adds a new element to the term "Breaking Wind"

  2. I dunno...part of me wants to say, "right on!"

    The other part...WTF!

    I'm conflicted for some reason. I am a respecter of the butt. I am an A1 certified ass inspector and I didn't sport any wood on this one.

    I'm so freak'in confused right now. Why Mr.M, why? There is something wrong here. I guess we all have hidden talents...some of which should not be shared with the rest of the world.

  3. ROTFLMAO!!! There are no words, Just tears! :)

  4. I'm not sure that Joker could even top that. I too am an ass man. BUTT I am lost for words on this one also.

  5. May be that that is what Whitney meant when she said “crack is wack!!!”
    Big Al

  6. I'm with Dave on this one. I'm having conflicting diametrically opposed feelings on this.

    As a guy, I know that this should excite me. But when I allow myself to start feeling that, my gag reflex starts acting up. Why is that?!?

  7. You've got to be kidding me! I have no words.

  8. I Salute you Brother.
    Best one I've seen
    Not a bad ass either
    Good work... wasn't expecting the punch line to be visual.
    Cheers man!

  9. To all my sick friends who enjoyed this, Thanks!

  10. I'm not sure I'll be able to eat my dinner.

    Ride on,

  11. OMG! I was scrolling thru your archives and saw this! Still laughing as I write.
    I just cannot imagine and really don't want to!
    I'm nearly speechless.


  12. MHL,

    First off, Thanks for taking time to look at some of the archives.

    Second, I'm a guy. These pics should turn me on, but somehow, do exactly the opposite. Something just ain't right about them. LOL!

  13. Kelly W. Patterson,
    Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog, and leave a comment! I appreciate it. I also took the time to look at your two blogs. Although I can't say I agree with everything you write about, I can say it is interesting, nonetheless, and a good read. Please feel free to stop by and leave comments again. I'll check back on your blog as well.


Comments with links will be deleted, so do not even bother. Hiding a link in your name will not work either.
No one rides for free.