Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spread the word

If you ride motorcycles, or are into motorcycles, please take the time to check out this blog. It is a definite keeper. Well worth the read.

Better Motorcycling


  1. Wow...great information! Thanks for sharing it with us. I'll add a link to my site too!

  2. I'm in!

    Great site - thanks for spreading the word.

  3. Thanks Mr. Motorcycle man.
    An absolutely essential blog both the novice and experienced. You certainly do our community a favor by sharing this post.
    God Bless

  4. Very cool blog! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Soooo correct. With the eduction they now offer is a good thing. There is nothing like hands on be being aware first off can save a lot of hurt.

  6. Thanks for sharing! Looks like a great site!

  7. I should have prefaced this first, and I'm sorry I forgot, by saying I saw this first on a post by Road Captain U.S.A., where he was trying to help and spread the word. I'm sure many of you read his blog as well, and will see this as a double up. I'm not trying to take any of his glory, but just trying to spread the word about this great blog, and help a brother out. Nobody has accused me of trying to steal any glory from Road Captain U.S.A. either, but I just wanted to give credit where credit is due, and felt bad that I did not do so right away.

    I saw through comments, and a comment in particular from Better Motorcycling that they were getting little to no comments, and weren't sure if anyone was reading, or found any of it valuable, and not sure if they were going to continue. I commented back that I would do a post, and help spread the word. That I thought what they were posting was of great value. This is why the post you read came about.

    I think this new blog will have great information for all of us, and hopefully even help to possibly keep us out of the ditches.

    And by the way, If you don't read Road Captain U.S.A., you should check it out too.

    Thanks for getting this out there Jay, Without you finding it first, I'd have likely never found it.


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