Friday, April 3, 2009

2009 Donnie Smith Bike show

In my opinion, these were the best bikes there. I'm a bit of a bobber fan.

I didn't even bother taking pics of all of the extreme bikes.
Some of the choppers now days are getting so long, so low, so covered up in plastic, fiberglass, sheet metal, what have you, and then being over done in themes that they don't hardly even resemble bikes anymore.

They make me sick. I wanted to vomit at the site of most of them. Thus not even worthy of photographing in my opinion.

I really like the bobber, because it brings you back to the basics of what I think a bike is.
This first red one here The "Retro Rocket" was built by Kings Of Custom Mid-States Power Sports.
It was truly a work of art, and the paint is nonetheless satisfying to look at.

The next four bikes are all Sucker Punch Sally's

And the last one "Green With Envy" A wicked old school, I forgot to get the builder, Sorry.

Click Here to go to my YouTube video and see them. Enjoy the eye candy!


  1. Now I know what took you so damn long, couldn't get your eyes off that bike ;D


  2. The cookie-cutter customs don't blow my hair back, either.
    I, too, remember when "choppers" had things chopped off, rather than added on. Its good to see bobbers but it sounds odd to hear someone ask where they can buy one.

    I enjoyed the show. Nice post!

  3. WoW!
    A biker blog about Bikes and customs.
    Riding, modifying, history and enjoying.
    Not about politics and personal opinions.
    What will they think of next.
    Great job M.
    Never heard from you on Mission Accomplished....?
    BTW I'm still a sucker for the metallic greens reds and pagan golds.

  4. If we'd of known about this, you could have took my husband with you and I would have went with your wife to the bookstore. Darnit.

  5. Those are some kickass looking bobbers! I loved the one with the "47" on the tank. I've always wanted to get up there for the Donnie Smith show...I'll have to put that on my calendar for next year! Thanks for making the video and sharing the great looking bikes with us...good tune too!!!

  6. Thanx for the slide show brother. Love the bobbers!

    I agree with Steph. I like the little black one with the "47" on the tank. Stripped down and minimal.

  7. For the 1st time, I have taken the time to peruse your Flickr account. I should have done this long ago.
    The paint work on "Ken" is super stuff, and envy has worked it's ugly head into my thoughts.

    I still haven't looked at any of the intended pics for the blog...I'm going back to Flickr to check out the rest of your paint work...then, perhaps I'll see what others are doing with "Choppers".

  8. Waz lookin for video from Donnie Smith show, ended up here. I waz at show with my bike, the old 1951 45. Waz trying to see if anyone got video of it...oh well agree....most like the newer $$$$$ bikes~ I walked by most. My bike to is Named after my dad RED. Nice blog.
    Lil RED, maybe see ya on the road.

  9. Emial is

  10. Mr. M.
    I'm with you there. The "theme" bikes put out by OCC and others just leave me cold (and it has nothing to do with the fact that it's snowing here as I type this).

    Some great shots - thanks.

  11. I'm in. I have always been a true chopper man. Chopper I say. I think SPS's has been doing it right from the start. back when BBO had a forum I said the bobbers will come back stronger than ever. The young pup's hit me hard on my opinion. Wonder what they think now? I think Kendell Johnson is an amazing builder..but he could drop the tin.

  12. Mrs. M.,
    The pinup was only O.K., the concept was awesome. There were so many little details in that paint on the bike as a whole that I did not capture in photos.

    Fiddle Mike
    It Does sound kind of odd to hear someone ask where they can buy a chopper, but only sounds "kind of odd to me". Because not everyone has the skills to build their own. Plus, as more and more people learn to appreciate them, the demand is growing, and so is the quality. That's why we have "New" Knuckle heads, Pan Heads, Shovel Heads, etc. All with the old school styling, but new technologies.

    Big D.,
    Thank you! Appreciate the compliment.

    If I remember, I'll let you know ahead of time next year. Maybe we'll have to hook up. I wish Donnie Smith Bike Show was just a bit later in the year, Then It would be better to "Ride" to.

    Thanks!, See comment above left for Sherry. "Ditto"! LOL!

    Yeah, The highly covered up shit turns my stomach. There are a few that I like, but in general, they are way over the top. But I must say, Different strokes for different folks.

    Thank you, and Glad you enjoyed. Sometimes less is more.

    Thank you so much for the compliments on my paint work. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that! Custom paint and motorcycles combined has made my passion for the motorcycle even stronger. Then to be complimented for something I love just makes it all that sweeter!

    Anonymous (Lil Red),
    I'm sorry I didn't take pics of your bike and post them. Maybe I didn't see it, or maybe I did, and it might not have stuck out to me. Anyway, I'm glad you stumbled into my blog here, and took the time to comment. I hope you stop by again. E-mail me some pics, and I'll take a peek. I'd love to see your bike. Regarding most people liking the big $ bikes. I don't think that is so true because they cost a lot, but because it usually costs a lot to create something that is new that looks old. Most people want newer. It's just plain more reliable. Let's face it. Most folks can't build, or work on their own bikes.

    Do they even air OCC's American Chopper anymore??? Honestly, I don't know, because I stopped watching it so long ago.

    Webster World,
    I think SPS has been doing it right from the start too. Always a big fan.

  13. Yeha! I'm in love with the rocket queen.

    Agree with you. Are there anymore picts?...of good stuff that is.

    I've never really been into highly customized bikes. I sorta relate it to a woman and make up. A little can bring out the natural beauty...but too much...pfffftttt, she's just look'in like a gawdy whore.

  14. I'm with you on the bobbers. The retro paint job on the bike is great too...always liked the retro look.


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