Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm back in town.

Hey all, I'm home, and hopefully will be able to stay here for a while. Relief was sent in from our company with fresh adjusters. If the dikes don't do their job, I will likely be going back. I checked my Google reader, and I have nearly 300 unread posts. I must apologize, and inform you there is no way I will ever get caught up. I will likely have to mark all as read and start fresh. Now I am about a weeks worth of "work" behind. I must get caught up on that first. In the mean time, Take care all.


  1. Glad the company sent in some relief for you. I really hope you don't have to go back. What a mess up there.

    Post when you can. We'll be here.

  2. You’ve probably had some 26-hour days lately. Get some rest and wait for Mother Nature to throw another curveball. She loves doing that.

    BTW – You do a job that few people could or would want to do. Helping folks in times of disasters is truly a public service. Thank You!

  3. Welcome home Mr. Motorcycle. Good to have you back in the community where you belong. Don't worry man start afresh... You done a good job out there..Helping people in times of distress is not only a public service bt is a calling. God Bless you and your family

  4. Get that rest. Enjoy those loved one's and we'll hear from you when all is well on the home front.

  5. I hope you get paid by the hour for all that! Welcome back.

  6. Catch up...we'll leave a stool at the bar for yah!

  7. Glad you made it home safe.
    Get some rest. We'll still be here when you're ready.

  8. Mr. M: Kick back put your feet up and love the family for awhile. Once you're recharged we'll be here waiting.


  9. Thank you all for your warm welcome back wishes, and all the kind things you've said. It's folks like you that keep me coming back to Bloggerville, even when times get hectic and busy. Love you guys like brothers and sisters!


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No one rides for free.