Thursday, April 16, 2009

One of my latest projects.

I know I've been absent as of late, and to those who might actually enjoy my ramblings, jokes, pictures, etc. I apologize. I've been swamped with the usual everyday life things, and then trying to accomplish three projects simultaneously. Here is one of the three. The rest will follow when completed, and I find time to breathe and post them.

This was a bike that the owner bought a custom racing kit for, and then bought a used gas tank and wanted the graphics custom painted to seamlessly tie in with the existing. I had some pretty shoddy photos of the original racing bike to work with, but It turned out just like the original.

Here she is. Click on the photo below to watch video of start to finish.


  1. Mr. M Thanks for sharing this video and job with us. I didn't realize so many steps went into a good paint Job...I'm the usual use a spray can sorta guy...but this is a work of art. The tank went from totally ugly red to a beautiful finish "FIAT" Blue...
    Nice Job man

  2. Wow! You HAVE been a busy little boy! It looks really great! I'm with Baron... I didn't realize how much time and meticulous work goes into a paint project.

    I wish I lived close to you! I'm wanting to paint my Glide, but it's still in the talking about it phase.

    Thanks for sharing the slide show with us. It's pretty cool what your able to do. Congratulations, and yes... I saw that smile! :)

  3. Awesome job my friend!
    I've seen what goes into a paint job before. Probably why I've never attempted it myself.

    Thanx for sharing the pics.

  4. Another excellent video showing the labor intensive procedure of we understand why it costs what it does....

  5. Hey, I really enjoyed watching that! Awesome!

    That must have taken some time. How many hours total did you have to invest to make that happen?

    You could have just shown before and after but this was just really cool to see it happen in stages. Thanks!

  6. I'd say with what you had to go on you did an excellent job. And liken to what Dean said, I won't attempt it. Brother in-law is a painter. Looks like work to me.

  7. Hey all, Thanks for checking out the video. It really is only bits and pieces, and there is a lot more to it than the video shows. All in all, start to finish, I'd guess there is about 20 hours or more into it.


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