Thursday, May 21, 2009


Lady Rides A Lot recently posted about a twister photo that was Photo Shopped, or something. Anyway it was not an original. I said it was cool anyway. I do love twisters. At least I'm fascinated by them. Here is a link to her post. ... Peek A Boo!

I did take some photos this winter that I have not touched, or altered in any way. They are genuine. They are of a cloud formation in the middle of winter, temps below freezing, and look just like a twister. The photos were taken from my neck of the woods.

Here are my pictures....


  1. Sure looks like one to me - and in the winter no less. I didn't think that was possible.

    We don't tend to get twisters up here very often, but like you I find them fascinating. I think if I lived in the Midwest where they are fairly common I would often find myself in trouble, mesmerized by the thing rather than getting the hell out of its way.

  2. Wow, nice pics.

    I'm still waiting to see a funnel up close. I'm one of the crazy ones that runs outside during a tornado instead of heading for the basement.

  3. Nice picts but I'm a little disappointed...I thought I was gonna be seeing some naked chicks playing twister or something.

  4. Sure is unusual in the winter, but obviously possible.

    We were stationed at Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico for 3 years and had a house on a hill with a view of the ocean. VERY NICE! We used to watch water spouts all the time out on the water. It was pretty cool to see them dance across the surface like a tornado and always dissipate before they got to shore. Not bad for base-housing, heh?

    Kudos for being in the right place, at a the right time. Great pictures.

    Now I'm off to read your other post. I've not had a chance yet. :(

  5. Wow...that really does look like a funnel cloud. Great shots.

  6. While I won't give you a perfect 10 score for composition, these pictures do show what you say and they are about being at the right place at the right often could this happen...

  7. Canajun,
    It isn't a twister. It is just clouds, but it sure looked like one. And, I'm with you. I'd be right out there watching the tornado go by right up to the last second.


    Than you

    Dead "D-Day",
    Yeah, Me too. I love a good storm as well. My wife gets mad at me when I don't go to the basement during a tornado warning.

    FLHX Dave,
    You had to ask didn't ya.

    Lady R.,
    I'd love to see those water spouts! I have seen dust devils. They are cool too. I also like it when you see leaves in the fall going in their little cyclones like in an area by a corner of a building.

    Thank you

    Thanks, I don't believe it was a tornado, just a funnel shaped cloud. However, there must have been something right in the atmosphere to make it do that.

  8. Mr M!!!
    Where are you?!?!
    Are you OK?!?!?

  9. Shawna,

    Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave me a comment!
    Thank you!

    I'm still here, and still O.k.
    Thank you for your concern Bro!


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No one rides for free.