Thursday, June 25, 2009

I always feel like somebody's watching me...

Sometimes when I sit at my desk, clickity clackity clacking away at the keyboard typing this drivel that you sometimes come to read, I get the distinct feeling like I'm being watched.
Kinda like somebody or something is lurking over my shoulder, ready to pounce at any given minute.

Must just be paranoia.


  1. You can't complain when you have pussy constantly ready to pounce on your ass brother.

    I had a cat that would sit on the staircase about 8 steps up. It would wait for someone to walk by then it would reach out and slap you in the face or head through the railing. Funny.

  2. I often wonder if my cats are plotting to kill me.

  3. Eyes open and paw at the ready, be afraid, be very afraid.

  4. Bad Dave! You stole my comment. Bad bad Dave. No kibbles for you!

  5. My big Romeo is at my elbow as I type also. He stares at the keyboard like something is going to come out of it. I guess the "klackity klack" sounds like a real interesting critter.

    Beware! Feline fury!

  6. Amazing animals, mine is also always very interested in what I'm doing and still playful even though he's an old boy now.

  7. The title of your post is a bit prophetic! Michael Jackson sang the chorus of that song. RIP.

    My kitty is still a kitten, so he waits around the corner and attacks my feet as I walk by. I long for the days when he sits and watches me work on the computer. LOL!

  8. Yeah cats can do funny things. My other cat likes to try to walk across my computer screen and step on the keyboard as I type.

    And Ann,
    Re: "The title of your post is a bit prophetic! Michael Jackson sang the chorus of that song. RIP."

    That song was in my head when I wrote this post. I guess that's why I picked it as a title. Also on KS95 a local Minnesota Radio station was talking about how all bad things come in threes. The were talking about celebrity deaths yesterday morning on the morning show. They had people calling in guessing who they predicted would be the next two deaths besides Ed McMahon. I shit you not. They mentioned Farah Faucet, and someone called in Michael Jackson too. Both died yesterday!


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