Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ride For Their Lives! Home For Life Animal Sanctuary

Last weekend, I finally got to break out, and go for a ride. Any reason to ride is good, but riding for a cause you believe in is even better. I've been lacking on posting, commenting and riding lately due to storm season and my job. This has been keeping me more than busy. So it felt really, really good to get on the bike again. I put on about 350 miles last Saturday.

The ride was just another ride like any other good ride. There were lots of great twisty roads, and a good time to be had while enjoying beautiful scenery whilst rolling along on two wheels. I could have done this ride and likely a much better one with my friend Daren, whom I rode with, but the ride, or the "run" was only part of the reason to be out on two wheels this day. It was for the annual Ride for Their Lives Run. It was for the cause many of you know I deeply believe in. It was for the animals in need.

I rode in the "Ride For Their Lives" run.
This was sponsored by "Doc"Desio of St. Croix Harley-Davidson, and held for Home For Life. The Animal Sanctuary of St. Croix Valley, Inc.

Home For Life® is a new kind of animal shelter. It is a long-term animal sanctuary. Home for Life® provides lifetime care for special needs animals that while still able to lead quality lives but are unable to find a home due to age, chronic treatable disorders, handicaps or similar reasons.

Here are some pictures of the animals being helped, and some ride photos. Kudos to this wonderful organization!!!!!

When I go, Take me in one of these!!!!

A trick trike fitted for a Guy in a wheelchair.

"Doc" from St. Croix Harley-Davidson, and Officer Sweeny

Dogs with wheels

Dogs with wheels

The cat house

Cute Cocker

Look, the animals have their own houses, with air conditioning!

Many kinds of animals here.

A goat with wheels

Great job on organizing the ride! There was great food, and fun. They even had drawings.
Course, I won nothing. But I had a good time anyway!


  1. Thanks for sharing the story and pics bro...didn't know you were such a softie....Hope you're still wearing your helmet
    I might have missed it but how long was the ride?...glad you were able to ride and scape work for a day or so

  2. FABULOUS!!! i had coincidentally decided to adopt an older special needs cat or two when i return from work travel soon. great post!!

  3. Wish I could have joined you for that. That is a cause I certainly believe in.

  4. Great post! I'm also a big softie for our four legged pals, and I really enjoyed reading about this event. It's nice to know these facilities exist. Those dogs on wheels are really cool, and they usually don't even know they're special.
    I love watching animals like that play and run/roll and have a good doggone time! Reminds me that we as humans can learn a few lesson from our special friends.

    Thanks for sharing with us and I'm very glad you got in some great road time to boot! :) Wag on!

  5. Good reason to ride. A fun day too. Duh..Did you noticed the last doggy had horn's? Or is that a remnants of my 70's years?

  6. Glad you got out on a ride. Glad you could support a good cause while you were doing it.

  7. Back at ya Mr. M! Helping animals is a wonderful cause! Great photos and cute animals!

  8. It is so great going for a ride on such a perfect day, and so rewarding doing it for a cause like this.

  9. Good cause, well done, we see so many dogs treated badly where we live, it so good to see human kindness to our mans best friend.

  10. sorry the last comment was from me, (Good cause, well done)

  11. Nice post, it's great to combine a bike ride with a worthwhile cause and that certainly is worthwhile. Well done.

  12. That sounds like a very cool organization! Thanks for sharing all the photos. I love the goat! Amazing that they are giving these animals a new look at life!

  13. Thank you, Mr. Motorcycle, for your great blog entry on Ride for Their Lives! I am the Home for Life volunteer who helped to organize the event. I wanted to add the website address, so that your blog followers could read more about Home for Life animals: www.homeforlife.org You will read about the animals who you photographed: Bert, the St. Bernard, Hal(black and white pit bull)rescued from a tough life as fighting bait, Goliath the giant Tortoise, and Crema, yes, she's a goat, in her new wheels (born with 1 front leg). Another fun fact about Home for Life dogs, in particular, is that they too give back to the community through their work as Certified Therapy Dogs!

    We would love to see you and your blogger friends at next year's Ride for Their Lives. On the first page of the Home for Life website is a space to sign-up for the email list, to receive email blasts about events and news about Home for Life.

    Thanks, everyone!


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