Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chemical engineering

I have a little secret most of you probably didn’t know about me. I don’t mean to boast, but felt it was time to share with some of you who have been reading my blog quite some time now that I started studying this quite early on in life and have been fortunate enough to have gained a chemical engineering background.

With this being said; One of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine, whisky, brandy, and other similar liquids into a chemical compound mixture of H2O (NH2), 2CO (urea), NaCl (sodium chloride), and a number of other dissolved salts and organic compounds, which is my friends, "Urine".

Good day and cheers mates!


I’d stay and chat, but I gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now.

Is it Friday yet??


  1. It's not too early for a beer. Wicked thirsty and I've got a hankerin' for some study time.

  2. I'm not a chemical engineer but I have been making that formula for almost 59 years. (I have a picture of me at 3 mo. drinking a brew)

  3. I expect quite a few of us have that diploma. In fact I'm working on a conversion right now!

  4. Hell... I'm qualified! After all this time, if I'd have know that... I could have put that on my resumes! LOL!

  5. I would suspect the blog title will be changing to Dr. Motorcycle in honor of the PeeHD.


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