Monday, September 14, 2009

New look

Mr. Motorcycle Motorcycle Blog has a slightly juiced up look.

"Taste's Great. Less filling"!

Some of the stuff stayed the same since the day I started the blog. I've learned a couple of tricks since then. Thus, it was time for some change.

So if you are reading this through an RSS feed such as Google Reader, please stop by and take a peek. If you are already at my site, Great.

I'd love to hear your reaction to the mild change in visual, and if I don't like your comments, so be it. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Heck, If it is constructive, I might even listen. (Maybe.)


P.S. I can't wait for tomorrow night's Season 2, episode 2 of Son's of Anarchy!

Tune in and watch it, and stop by my blog tomorrow afternoon to get the scoop on what happened if you can't watch the show, or just want a recap.


  1. ???
    In FF it takes FOREVER to load - & then doesn't load correctly. I think. Not sure what it was you were going for.

    The wife

  2. Just did it in FireFox myself, Did it prior as well, and it comes up fine on my end. I've changed nothing but the images, and some words. No new formatting.

  3. Looks good, loads fine. Using Firefox as well.

  4. Looks great! less filling...[oh no, wait a minute that was a commercial...]

  5. New and improved! Looks good however it did freak out IE and took awhile to load.

  6. Everything fine on my end! Love the flames! COOL!

  7. I must be dumb or something. Don’t see anything different. Still works / loads just fine.

  8. Looks fine. No problem loading with Firefox.

  9. opens quickly in IE8...but what do I know :)


  10. Looks awesome! And no issues loading with IE.

  11. Thanks for all the feed back! Much appreciated.

  12. Looks good. And it actually loads faster for me than the old header.

  13. Looks good!!, like the new look. Can't go wrong with flames;) It loads fast for me on elxplorer or firefox. I just noticed that the google friend connect stuff hasn't been loading on my site with firefox, anyone else had this issue?

  14. ..for example...I can't see your followers on firefox..weird.

  15. i use firefox, i can see followers, looks good to me...

  16. Firefox loads stuff weird sometimes. However, I was just looking at my followers fine through Firefox, just prior to writing this comment. Funny thing is, Followers is not something I changed. The only thing changed on my blog, was that I deleted some old page content, re-worded some things, changed the header graphics and the flames were added below it. Some 2-D letters were enhanced and changed to a 3-D style lettering; but that was only done through Microsoft Word, and then copied into an image, then loaded that way. That's all. Nothing has changed that should affect loading in any system. If there is a loading problem, it should have nothing to do with my blog changes.


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No one rides for free.