Friday, September 4, 2009

Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote Final Episode

This video contains Fowl ... I mean, foul language. Enjoy!


  1. I’m glad I missed that episode when I was a kid. I might have turned out to be a biker or some awful thing even worse. (You’re a sick puppy)

  2. WHOA! You know, I laughed my ass off but there is a whole lotta' truth in this thing.

    This is why you don't keep all your eggs, errrrr...roadrunners in one basket!

  3. I think I'm with Willy D on this one. I'm glad I missed it. I would have cried my eyes out if I'd have seen the road runner become road kill.
    This cartoon was special for me and my Dad. It was OUR cartoon. He would tease me that "Willy was going to get him this time", and I would just laugh and laugh and say, "no he won't!". To this day we laugh about how I insisted he sit and watch it with me.

    Thanks for the memory... I think. LOL!

  4. Lol, loved it. I always wanted to see that sob get his.

  5. that is awesome!!! Thanks for posting. I always wanted to see Wile get the Roadrunner! I hated that little bastard! :)

  6. OMG! I can't believe it! Am I the only one who actually liked the road runner?? (gasp!)

  7. Lady R: I like the Roadrunner also. But add a little honey-mustard sauce… Now you’re talking!

  8. I watched every one of them when I was a kid and loved them all...would do it all over
    LADY're not what I mean... he was great in my view..

  9. That was funny as all get out! Does make you think though....
    Seem to remember an episode where he does actually catch the bird, but its gigantic and he can't do anyting with it....anyone remember that one?


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