Monday, October 12, 2009

Life, and everything it has to throw my way....

Well the Frost your nuts run that I was supposed to go on last Saturday ended up being something I did not participate in as It snowed the night before. Frost and snow are two different things. I do my darndest not to ride in snow. Since the Frost your nuts run landed on my birthday this year, and that happened to be a Saturday, I decided to take the Friday prior, off from work and celebrate my own little holiday. I hate working on my birthday, so the last few years in a row I've made it a tradition to take my birthday off. If it lands on a weekend, I'll take the Friday off prior to it. I like to get in a little riding time and a wee bit of fishing as well on my birthday. It makes it special when the rest of the world around me is working and I'm off doing my own thing.

So I started off the morning by opening a gift that my In-laws gave me early. I'd had this since the weekend prior, due to a family gathering for a nephew's birthday. I hung onto it unopened until this last Friday. I opened my gift and here is what I found.

This card, LOL! with some cash.

Well, one has to wonder; What should I do with this new found cash?

I do believe a motorcycle ride to Tattoo Asylum was in order.

I had and 21 Yr. old Tat. of Mr. Horsepower that needed a facelift.
It's been bugging me for about the last 15 years or so.
Neil Reitan from Tattoo Asylum made it right for me.

I caught no fish, but I got out there. It snowed the Friday night that I got my tattoo, so riding in the Frost your nuts run was not a good option, but I got my tattoo taken care of. I also got to spend a lot of time with my family this weekend. This means a lot with our busy schedules. We even went out to eat for a special birthday dinner. I even found some time to get some projects done around the house. All in all, it was a great 3 day weekend for me.

I hope you all had a good weekend too.

By the way, its like 7:30 a.m. as I'm typing this now, and the picture below is what it looks like out my window. It's snowing right now as I type. This blows. I ain't ready for this shit yet.

Yeah, I know I'm behind on my S.O.A. review. I'll get to it.


  1. Happy Birthday. I've always liked Mr. Horsepower. It was a big deal to put him on the early hotrods. Yours looks great.

  2. Happy Birthday! Mr. HP got an awesome face lift!! The card is LOLtastic...born later. LMAO!!!

  3. It's so dang early to be getting snow, no matter where you are! It's been a while that I can remember (recent memory) snowfall this early in the season. It's all over the northland and it does not bode well for the country. It's gonna be a baby boomer winter...the young un's will be busting forth in nine months.

    Sigh...happy's nice to take the day off and "MAKE IT YOURS"

  4. Lovin the Tat refresh work. What a great way to spend birthday money. I've been thinking about my upcoming Birthday and my next tat :)


  5. Sounds like a great weekend. Love the updated tat. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! Here's wishing you many more...don't let the snow get you down.

  6. happy birthday, like the idea of having the days off. mine is soon here so may do the same.

  7. Glad you had a great Birthday weekend! I love being off for my birthday too.

    Love Mr. Horsepower's glamorous face lift! It seems much better! I'm still thinking of one for me. One of these days...

    Waiting on the SOA review. Last week was pretty good and can't wait till tomorrow!

  8. Nice beak-lift bro. Happy Birthday! Be glad I didn't get you what I got B.B. for her birthday.

    Getting older is awesome. Each age has its gifts and curses. Sorry about the snow...but you should get some snow chains for the bike and do it just once.

  9. Happy Birthday! Great facelift on the tat.

    No snow here yet, but it's been damned cold - much colder than normal. I'm not ready for it, that's for sure.

  10. Screw that early snow! Screw any snow! We’ve got a storm coming in tonight. They say it will be the worse one in years. Oh well. More time to stay inside and get tattoos. Old folks gotta have something to do.

  11. Happy B-day! Nice ink, looks great! Now ya got me wanting more ink, lol!

  12. Thanks all for the birthday wishes, and the kudos on the tat facelift.

  13. First off Happy Happy Birthday! Second... its so hard to see that snow already! I am such a California girl :)

  14. Nice job on the ink and happy belated birthday!


    Biting my tongue.

  15. THanks for sharing the photo of the snow outside your window. I live in North Carolina and we get more ice than snow. Your photo is beautiful. I could sit and stare out a window all day at that view. Silly I know.


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