Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wicked Springer

The other day I was driving along and saw this really kick ass Springer. I just had to shoot a few photos of it.

Thought you might enjoy it at much as me.

Really though, Ain't it one of the cutest things you ever did see?


  1. I love it! (this is Tony's from blazeofglory offroad's wife)

  2. So where are the pictures of you riding it?

  3. How cute! I agree with Danny... how come we didn't see a "Mr. Motorcycle on a Springer" pic?? LOL!

  4. Just awhile ago a city worker kicked me off one of those because I was really taking it for a ride.

    Can't a 42 year old dude have fun anymore! So what if I was bottoming it out as I romped on it.

    It was a good laugh.

  5. Glad you guys thought it was funny too. I didn't get a picture because I was by myself. Too bad. It would have been fun.

  6. Same color, but I think mine just might be a tad faster...LOL!


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