Monday, November 9, 2009

Here Kitty Kitty!

While doing an appraisal today, the owner's kitty decided to follow me up the ladder onto the roof. When the cat realized I saw it, he turned around and went back down the ladder head first!

I called the cat back up, and it came right back up onto the roof. When it was time to get down, instead of taking the ladder, he just jumped right off of the roof like it was nothing!

Cats can be quite amazing, and quite amusing!


  1. Going down the ladder heads down - now that IS amazing.

  2. When I was 7 – 8 or somewhere around that age my sister took the ladder while I was on the roof. Why was I on the roof unsupervised? Hell, that was 40 years ago and kids could do stuff like that then. Yes, I jumped. Nope, didn’t break a thing.

  3. I have a cat I am sure would have done the same thing if I would dare to let him out of the house.


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