"I pulled you over for Speeding. Do you have any idea how fast you were going?"

Regardless of what you ride, even if you don't ride at all, EVERYONE is welcome here.

Mr. Motorcycle

I am

My photo
I live at 1 Frozen place in, Minnesota, United States
My real name is Mark. For many years now my wife has called me Mr. Motorcycle. When I started my Blog I was looking for a catchy blog name, so I went with it. I'm happily married and I'm also a father of 6 children. I have two human offspring, one dog, two cats and one custom Harley. I believe that makes 6 children. When I'm not doing my real full time job, or going for a ride, I like to do art, custom paint jobs, and of course BLOG. If you would like to contact me, my e-mail address is phonetically spelled for avoiding spammers. (I actually do use the number 1 in the beginning.) 1mrmotorcycleATgmailDOTcom

*****This is my Bliss*****

*****This is my Bliss*****
Depending on your settings, Click, or Double Click on the image for full size photo.
The photo above is my ride :
"Kenny" started life as a stock '97, 883 Sportster. It's been a work in progress since the day I bought it many years ago. Its mostly custom with a built, "slightly juiced up" 1200 motor.
The Metal Fabrication, bodywork and custom paint was done by me.

How the Hell did I come up with a name like Kenny for my bike you ask?...... Most people who name their rides, go with chick names. I of course had to be different. I think bikes look tough, cool and masculine; not feminine. Plus, my father "Ken" has helped make me who I am today. Therefore with a little twist on the name, my bike was named "Kenny".


Come check out my custom paint! Click on the logo above to go to my custom paint blog.

Friday, December 11, 2009

In loving memory of Cy, 11-15-2009

It is with great sadness that I tell you I lost my best furry friend in the whole world on 11-15-09.

My wife and I were grocery shopping, and gone for only about 1 1/2 hours and returned to my beloved "Puppy Cy" passed away on the family room floor. Cause of death unknown , but we can assume a heart attack. He was diagnosed with a heart murmur, his only medical flaw.

I don't want to go into saying much more, because as I write this my heart is breaking. My wife wrote a beautiful tribute to him on the RAGOM (Retrieve A Golden Of Minnesota) Website on their Rainbow Bridge Memorials.

Here is the link to: Cy's Memorial

The first part is his story, which goes through 12-07-08, the day we adopted him.
12-09-09 is where the memorial starts.

He was the best dog. I miss him dearly.


Anonymous said...

Mr. M,
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your wonderful "furry" friend. I know just how you feel, in fact I have huge tears brimming in my eye's as I write this and I'm trying to gulp back the flood of emotions that most of us know and understand when a beloved pet/family member leaves us.
I have a star named after my best friend Bosco, he was a HUGE Malamute that lived 7 years of his life on a 10ft chain...until my ex was doing a construction job and pleaded with the "owner" to let him come live with us. I got to share Bosco's life for 3 years and he was very happy. I know you did the same for Cy. Thank you for rescuing him and providing him with loads of love!

Rick said...

Sorry about the lost of your pal. We have a little hair thing that's about 15 years old. I worry about how she will go. I think I would rather find her the way you found Cy.

I enjoyed looking at your blog. The last time I was pulled over the officer said nothing about the quality of my ride. The ticket was enough said, I guess.

B.B. said...

I'm so sorry for your loss!

Rick said...

Thanks for the comment. I have a few motorcycle doodles on the blog as well. Thanks for dropping by.

Canajun said...

Mr. M. - So sorry to hear about Cy. And what a great tribute at Cy's Memorial.

RazorsEdge2112 said...

Mr. M. So sad to hear of your loss. May he rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about Cy! Losing a dear dog hurts so bad. There's nothing quite like the unconditional love and friendship we get from that special dog. I love your picture of him. My deepest sympathy to you for this tremendous loss.

Lady R (Di) said...

The memorial to Cy was the most heartfelt tribute I've read about a beloved pet in a long time. Being a pet owner myself, I know the pain you and your family felt when Cy passed away.

You gave Cy a great home and lots of love... so you need to feel good that he lived a happy last year.

It's sad that we outlive our pets, but as long as I am able, I will always be a "mommy" to four legged "kids".

The Rainbow Bridge... a place where Cy can play and be happy.

Learning to Golf said...

I can only echo the other comments Mr. M. I personally know the pain you and the family are dealing with. I lost my Golden 12-19-96 after a great 16 years. It broke my heart to have to put him down, but I know it was an act of love.

Doug Klassen said...

Mr. M, You have my sympathy, and understanding. We lost our beloved Corgi, "Tinsel", just three weeks ago. I think we humans love our dogs without reservation because they love us the same way and that makes losing them all the more painful. As someone once said "Dogs do not live long enough. It is their only fault, really."

-V- said...

Sorry to hear about the loss of your best buddy in the whole world. That's what my mostly lab mutt Shadow was to me. My best buddy. Shadow has been gone for several years now but he still visits sometimes... I wake to what I swear is the sound of his dog tags and softly padding feet coming up to check on me in the middle of the night. What a great memorial. I feel for ya, Man. Take care.

TheRedUn said...

Sorry for your loss - hurts like hell to lose a loved one, be it family or pets.

Allen Madding said...

Dude - I'd offer you a bear hug if you were in reach. I hace always struggled with the lost of my furry friends thru life. They offer a level of unconditional love that makes life worth living.


FLHX_Dave said...

Hey brother. Sorry to hear about this. I don't know what to say except you can't experience joy without some suffering. The price of love is a bitch sometimes.

Would you have it any other way? nah...carry on wayward son because peace is yours, it just takes some time.

Webster World said...

I feel your pain. I have always had a dog my friend my partner my buddy. It is most painful when they are gone. There is a song like about Old Shep that tells it all about our dogs. Could not find it to send.

Lance said...

Sorry for your loss - from his look, I can tell he was a kind soul.

Dean "D-Day" said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I recently lost my dog a few weeks ago so I feel your pain. They truly are man's best friend.

the rider said...

Man it is so sad when you lose a friend! Even though you only knew him for a year he became a part of your family - we lost our dog to cancer and it was incredibly sad, I am in fact not willing (or able) to make another 15 year commitment to a pet. It's just too painful.

WyzWmn© said...

Cy was just as lucky to have you for the last year of his life as you were to have him...that kind of stuff happens in our lives for a reason.


IHG said...

I'm so sorry Mr. M. Furry friends become part of the family and it's just as rough when they pass on!

"Joker" said...

I'm sorry to be so late on this brother; I don't know how I missed this one. I was looking on my blog list thinking you hadn't put anything up for a while and when I saw the title...well, you know, it was a shock.

I sort of know how you feel, but it's not the same. When I was a kid I had a Shepard-Beagle mix named "Shep." Only had him a year or so when he got sick and had to be put down. My parents replaced him with a poodle...which you can imagine wasn't the same to a 10 year-old kid. That dog was more my mother's than anyone else's.

Fast forward to 3 years ago Christmas when we got "Duke," a beautiful, show quality, AKC Yellow Lab. I picked him up just after he was weaned on Christmas Eve and smuggled him into the house after the kids were in bed. When they came down in the morning, he was waiting for them in his kennel next to the tree. It was one of the coolest Christmas moments you can imagine.

My wife gave Duke to a guy she works with about a month ago. She was sick of the constant dog hair everywhere and also knew with our divorce/selling the house, she couldn't take him along to an apartment. It was tough on the kids, but at least they know he's ok. Not the same I know, but in both scenarios, I don't have my dog anymore.

When the time is right, adopt another one. I really think that'll help.

Mr. Motorcycle said...

I can't thank you all enough for all of your heartfelt kind words. As for those of you who have been there yourselves recently, I am sorry for your losses as well. Pets are a great part of our lives. Losing one IS loosing a family member, and it hurts.

Thank you all.

redbone said...

i'm so sorry for your loss.

mq01 said...

:( im sorry for your loss mr m/c.

J. Perewitz said...

I am sorry to hear about your pup. We are huge dog fans her, I have 3 and we have a shop dog here too. Dogs become part of your family.

Mr. Motorcycle said...

Gas, Grass, or Ass.... No one rides for free. Your advertisement comment has been removed. Pay Up Sucka, or Get Lost!
P.S., knowing what this post is about, and spam commenting an Ad here just shows how much of a F'n LOOSER you are!

Redbone, mq01, and Jody P.,
Thank you.