Thursday, January 14, 2010

Annual De-lurker day.

You know who you are, You anonymous readers who never comment.

Leave me a comment with you name if you are guilty, or even if you are not!


  1. I’m standing in front of the web cam. Can you see me? Buy me diner?

  2. im looking for the guy in the pic, up there, you know, the one in the trench :-)

  3. NOT GUILTY!! I've just been out of the loop again!

    I feel my creative juices getting ready to spill forth. I've been pretty stagnate lately and it's time to do something about it.

  4. Busy, busy, busy....doing nothing. It is just about time to do something worth writing about. I guess I'm letting my snow bound Brothers and Sisters down. Thanks for the nudge.

  5. pfffftttt....this dinky ass comment box ain't nearly massive enough for me to fit all my privates in here...

    Not Guilty I say. No lurking about here.

  6. I see nobody de-lurked. That's too bad. When I see how many people from all over the world read my blog and how almost none of them ever leave a word, it makes me wonder. Sure, I don't expect a comment from every person, every time. But a few more would be nice, and from some new people even nicer.

    Maybe I'll try this on my blog and see if I can get even ONE of them to de-lurk and say hi. Don't give day you'll do this post and some folks will participate.

  7. Willy D.,
    I'm afraid to guess what I might see if I could see. Hoping you would be fully clothed.

    That guy might be Willy D. Standing in front of his webcam! LOL!

    Lady R.,
    I hear ya about stagnancy. But avast, I know U R Lurkin.

    Closet Lurker;]

    FLHX Dave,
    Are you telling us how big your Private is????

    Yep, No one De-Lurked. Oh well.


Comments with links will be deleted, so do not even bother. Hiding a link in your name will not work either.
No one rides for free.