Thursday, February 18, 2010

2010 Honda Shadow....look a like wannabe of a Harley Davidson 883 Sportster XL Hugger?

You be the judge.


  1. Hands down, no contest. I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

  2. Ditto what Mrs RC said.
    But I bet it don't sound like a Harley! :)

  3. I try hard not to be a brand snob, because I've had brand snobbery flung at me (a Sportster owner) from metric owners... because I used to BE a metric owner... and because I really believe it doesn't matter what brand you ride as long as you ride safe. But those who resent the term "wannabe" should remember: there is a REASON all these metric cruisers look the way they look, and that reason is Harley Davidson. LOVE the Sportsters... Long live the peanut tank!

  4. Could be twins. Regardless, both nice looking bikes.

  5. Wow...they really look a lot alike. I went on the Honda website to see the price and they are actually about a grand more then an 883.

  6. well, I always thought thats what a Shadow was aimed at anyhow...thus the name :)


  7. I’ve got a baseball cap someone gave me about thirty years ago that says; “I Ride Harleys Blonds Brunettes & Redheads”. So if it meant not walking or taking the truck, I’d ride either one. Hell, I’ll ride anything that gets me there.


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