Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Not motorcycle related, but had to share.....

Remember that old post I did with the really cool ceiling mural in a smokers lounge and also the mural on the bathroom floor that made you look like you were floating in the sky? And Oh yeah, there was also that one way glass bathroom in that post too.

Click Here for a link to that old post to refresh your memory.

I don't know what it is about bathrooms and me, but for some reason, I find, or get sent cool bathroom stuff that I just gotta share.

Scroll down for a potty you'd never forget.


  1. muahahahahahaha
    the ruler

  2. But what do the guys do to 'embiggen' it? ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!

  3. Any idea where that tinkletorium is?

  4. This post made me look back and the previous one - I love the bathroom floor and the one-way mirrored glass toilet? I am not sure I could!

  5. LAMAO! By the snickering glances the potty watcher's are sporting... my guess is the artist is a woman. I think a man would have more compassion than to come up with a mural to inhibit stage fright.

    LMAO again!

    I think my favorite one is the chick taking a picture with a look of disbelief on her face. Muwhahahahaha!

    Ladies... watch out! Pretty soon our men will start pairing up to go to the little mens room... for support.

    Still.... LOL!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. I'd have to chose very carefully the urinal I'd use going in there..mirror, mirror on the wall..who's the prettiest of them all...!

  7. LMAO!!
    Makes me wonder what the ladies room looks like.

  8. I'd be ok with it as long as I did not get the one laughing. And the glass out,,,I could do it. But my mindless would be going wild and I'd be laughing.

  9. Man...I don't think I could even piss in that it's kinda hard to take a wazzer when...well, you know.

  10. I have been in a bathroom (restaurant that for the life of me I cannot remember the name!)...anyway, it had see through windows, from the inside out. No one could see you from the outside, but you could see them while you sat down and pee'd. Ughghghghghg......this reminded me of that!


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