Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"F" P.C. .... Merry Christmas!

Since I don't post every day, I didn't want to pass up this opportunity to wish each and every person who stumbles across this blog, or goes to it deliberately a "MERRY CHRISTMAS"!

This post was inspired as all posts are by something. That something was a Facebook post that a friend of mine from childhood did.

She said "I celebrate Christmas so feel free to say 'Merry Christmas!' to me without worry of offense. "

I replied to her as follows:

"People who get offended by hearing Merry Christmas (even if they don't celebrate it, or aren't Christian) are over reacting. In fact, I don't think many people actually take offence. I think more people worrying about being pollitically correct (businesses etc.) worry about it more than a non-Christian does. I'm guessing that roughly 75% of the American population is Christian. So those who are actually offended need to get over it. I'm not Jewish, but if someone said Happy Hanukkah to me, it wouldn't offend me. I don't partake in going out and trick or treating any more now than my children are older. And it doesn't offend me when someone says Happy Halloween. Hell, other than the really cute little ones on Halloween, the holiday in general with teenagers not even dressed in costumes, begging for free candy really actually bugs me. My point being; Me thinks people go a wee bit too far with the pollitically correct bullshit. Even if someone isn't Christian, take the phrase "Merry Christmas" in the spirit of the holiday season as a well wish, kind of like "Good morning". It's certainly not something you should take offense too. I can guarantee you any Christian wishing another person well wishes around the holiday season means no offense to any one when they say "Merry Christmas" to you.So yes, Sarah, Merry Christmas to you and yours."

And to all my readers. Merry Christmas to you.


  1. Merry Christmas to you! I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and it is their choice if they get "offended" or not.
    Thanks for your response on Facebook. More need to read it.

  2. Well said, and a Merry Christmas to you too.

    And having spoken to many from non-Christian faiths over the years, I can attest that the issue of being offended is highly overblown. All I know take it in the spirit of comradeship with which it is intended.

  3. I wish you and your family a very KIWI christmas....and I liked your blog!

    Regards Roger

  4. I am with you on this. MERRY CHRISTMAS! I feel sorry for the people who feel they need to say "Happy Holidays" or some other pc nonsense, as that just sounds dumb. Be proud of what you are!

    Personally I find it pretty sad that those following the politically correct line feel that they have to say 'Happy Holidays' instead of Happy Christmas - what an absolute crock of sh!t. I wish muslim associates 'Ramadan Kareem' etc & they've had no problem wishing me the appropriate greeting for whichever holiday. It's time for folk to say "Enough is Enough!"

  6. I went to the bank the other day and the teller accidently said, "Merry Christmas" and then quickly said, "Happy Holidays" while she looked embarrassed. I looked her straight in the eye and said, "We live in America. You can say Merry Christmas to me if you want!" I thought her face was going to crack with how big her smile got.

    Great post.

  7. I say Happy Holidays. The season includes a couple of other faiths. I get to celebrate both Hannukah and Christmas, so its good to spread the love to all during this great time of year. Imagine that if someone came up to a Christian and just said Happy Hannukah...its not offensive, but its not the correct faith. So Happy Holidays it is for me.

  8. Happy Belated Merry Christmas Bro. I am now fully and fully recovered.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.


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