Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Do dogs go to Heaven?

Absolutely hysterical that this happened.
These two churches face each other across the street from one another.


  1. Looks like the Catholics won the round. Truly funny - thanks for posting this!

  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahaa! Is this for real?! So darned funny!

  3. Thanks, now everyone here in the office thinks I'm nuts.

    Seriously though, is that for real?

  4. Gotta be a piss-take, but bloody funny!

  5. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor. He's probably having a big belly laugh over that!

    My word veri was: "damitt" LOL!

  6. Lady R I think God would get a chuckle from this. Now I have read the Bible. Human souls go to heaven. Rocks now thats a stupid statement.

  7. This made my day...and the war I'm sure goes on..If dogs can't go to heaven I wanna go where they do anyway..

  8. Hilarious but is this really for real. Dogs are so nice they ought to go to heaven.

  9. I’ve no idea where dogs go. I never asked one. But I ‘do’ know where I’m going. I’m going riding, wherever that takes me.

    Funny thing about cats; They have never forgotten that folks use to worship them. Damn little primadonna’s.

  10. Just to get nitpicky......When "god" showed back upfrom where-ever he'd had gone..Vacation?...He asked Where's Abel? The Rocks told him of Cain's crime. So.....If rocks can talk????

  11. Regarding, is this real? I've no idea, except, WHY OH WHY the hell would you make it up? If I were to sit down and think up twisted things to think up out of the blue, it most certainly wouldn't end up looking like this.

  12. I can just imagine the priest and the minister getting together over a coffee and having a good laugh over what they just said, or what the response would be. (Either that or they're slashing each other's tires under cover of darkness.) Beautiful use of humour in a gentle, funny way.

  13. OMG that is so funny! LOVE IT!


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