Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Really?, No I mean REALLY?

Yesterday while driving down the road, I saw the most fucktarded motorcycle yet. A newer BMW with apes and forward controls going down the road. I didn't have time to get a photo of it, before it exited onto another part of the freeway. I tried to find a picture of another douchetard's bike similar to it to show you how stupid it looked, but I couldn't find even one. I wonder why. Prolly 'Cause it looks fucking stupid!!!!

I feel better now that I've gotten that off my chest and shared it with you.
Wanna know how I really feel?



  1. Why you dissin my new wheels Bro? Why you gotta’ be like dat?

  2. Sorry Willy D.
    I Didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

  3. Yea! Bet she was on her way to Walmart in her pink tighties too.

  4. LOL. Sorry you missed getting a picture - that would be something to see.

  5. A BMW with apes?
    It was probably Rick Slark. Sounds like he got a bad case of Harley envy again.

  6. Glad we are all on the same page. Except Willy D. of course. And maybe Slark too.


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