Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I was too drunk to drive my motorcycle home last night.

Last night I went out drinking with my buddies.
We went to the local watering hole we always meet at.
A good time was had by all.
Maybe too good a time for me, because I was way too drunk to safely ride my motorcycle home.
Being the responsible person I am, I was going to get a cab. When I called for one, the wait was longer than I was willing to stand, and I really wanted to leave before Momma got too angry 'bout how late I was out with the guys. So the next best option was to take a bus home; which I did.
It was pretty amazing, because I have never driven a bus before, and I haven't yet figured out who's bus it was that I took either! I'm guessing I'll find out soon enough.


  1. Bravo! Its takes a great rider to realize what you did under the influence! Thank you for not riding and living to tell the truth of the tale :) Merry Christmas!

  2. Taking a bus home is a good idea. I hope you wiped your fingerprints off of the steering wheel though.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh, LOL, I see what you did there, bro! Must’ve been a shock to your mom to see a bus parked outside her home, hahaha! In all seriousness though, it’s a good thing that you decided to be responsible and not drive yourself home while intoxicated. Motorcycles can go so fast, and having impaired vision is never safe when behind the wheel of any vehicle. Stay safe on the streets, my friend!

  4. BA-DUM TSS! I hope that bus driver eventually got his bus back, ahahaha! Seriously though, I gotta agree with Erik. It’s never smart to drive ANYTHING while intoxicated, especially a motorbike. Since it only has two wheels, it can be a lot harder to balance when you’re inebriated. So, you did the responsible thing by not actually driving.


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