Tuesday, April 15, 2008

From the twisted mind of Mr. Motorcycle, I give you…

Mr. Motorcycles twisted sense of humor. Post #1

As I was watching the weather get warmer yesterday, and loving the warmer weather again today, The first thing that came to my mind is how I will fit in a motorcycle ride into my busy schedule today.

When I fly solo for a short ride, I usually don’t have anywhere special to go. I often end up at one of two of my local watering holes. I’m not much for drinking and riding, so I typically limit myself to one beer, which leaves the question…
What else is there to do while at a biker bar than drink?

Of course, eat.

Now that it is warm, the local watering holes will be sure to be grilling outdoors.

Thus, this post of a magnificently twisted picture of something I’ve been saving for all of you.

I give you “the wiener roaster”.

Anyone care for a wiener?


  1. Holy shit, those are some big wieners! LOL! I think they are a must have at every outdoor BBQ. I am still laughing! I've got to get a set of those! I know, with the crowd I cook with while camping, it will be a sure hit! Thanks for sharing! Lady R

  2. I'm going to call my lawyer. Those bastards have one hell of a nerve selling my likeness without paying me any royalties.

  3. Lady R., If you do find them, let me know where, so i can get a set too. I think they are great. It would be cool to have the little dudes at the end of a camp fire hot dog / marsh-mellow tpye roasting stick too.

    Joker, Are you burnt at the tip? is that what you were trying to say? LOL!

  4. Lady Ridesalot found this for me. The link to Roast My Weenie.


    Thanks Lady R!


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