Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Just a phase... Yeah right!

And your parents thought it was just a phase!

Boy did they get that one wrong!


  1. Yeah, right! How long do phases last? ;)

    Great pic!

  2. Ann,

    The answer to that question, "How long do phases last?" is.... Only untill tomorrow.

    It's just like the sign you see posted in so many bars that are still up the next day that read " free beer tomorrow!"

  3. He's sooo cute! Go get 'em you little bad boy!

  4. My parents still think it's a phase...twenty something years later. Life is just one big phase. The only thing that has stayed the same is that nothing stays the same.

  5. Lady R, He's so cute, 'Cause it's me when I was a kid. JUST KIDDING!
    Not me at all.

    Amen to that Bro.
    The only thing I ever regretted out of my motorcycle phase, is that I didn't start it sooner, and that my parents wouldn't let me get one sooner that when I did. I had to wait untill I was 18, and they didn't really approve of that then either, but had no choice, since I already bought it, and with my own money. I remember being just a little kid, and wanting long hair, tattoos, and a motorcycle.


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