Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2008 Minnesota Renaissance Festival

This year Just before going to the Minnesota State Fair, I took my wife and kids to the 2008 Renaissance Festival.

I went once as a child, and went again once as a teenager, and waited untill this year to go again.

My wife and kids had never been. My wife and 13 year old daughter had fun. (Lots of shopping). Even my 16 yr old Son had a good time.
There was lots to do and see.
See for yourself.

You know how at a Star Trek Convention, the Trekies dress up like Characters form the show?
Well, It's can be like that here too. This Gal did not work here, but got in on the spirit of renaissace. Many more folks dressed the part as well.

Comedian jugglers and knife throwers

A comedian and magician all rolled up into one.
"A pirate goes into a bar and the bartender says to the pirate... Excuse me mate, but did you know you have a steerin wheel in yer trousers? Yes, I did, and it's been drivin me nuts all day!"

Great shops

A bit of archery for the young lad Mr. Motorcycle Jr.

Awesome weapons, all hand crafted. These are REAL!

Not only are all of these weapons real, hand crafted, originals, and duplicates of originals,
they will sell them to the general public, and will let any old Mr. Motorcycle Joe handle them.

Great costumes. These remind me of Mardi Gras!

Jousting took place.

Look at the dents in this guys armor. These guys really whack the sh*t out of each other!

Cool artwork, fitting for the Renaissance, and for motorcycle blog, and motorcycle lovers.

The artist who had done the painting started freaking out on me while I was trying to take this picture. Artist: "Excuse me, what the Hell do you think you're doing taking a picture of my artwork?" Me: kinda dumbfounded say... "Um, I'm not going to try to duplicate it or sell it or anything. I just thought it was really cool., I have a motorcycle blog, and thought I'd share it." Artist: "Cool. go right ahead. " Whew! Me: "Thanks!"

See what I go through for you folks!

A guy with a twisted sense of humor like me.
Water bottle shoved up a stuffed animals Ass.

My son and daughter (Micky Mouse looking characters) having a sword fight duel.
First one to pop the others two ballons wins.

It was a close battle but the victor was the boy.
My daughter did an excellent job bleeding and twitching for the crowd though!

Finally, on the way out, I spotted this t-shirt. Way funny!


  1. I love "Breast-Fest". (Some of us call it that because of the large display of breasts protruding from the costume dresses.) We have one of these places just south of me near the Wisconsin/Illinois border that's open every weekend throughout the summer. It's been about 10 years since I've been there so it may about time again.

  2. Well Mr.M. I finally figured how to get on your blog proper. I'll be posting more often now. We too have these. Should be ending soon. Our youngest son loves to spend money on those knives and axes. Has a nice collection. And "D" "Breast Fest" sounds delectabley right to me.

  3. The Minnesota RenFest is way better than the one here in Arizona.

    Probably because Minnesota, in general, better resembles Renaissance Europe than the desert.

    Funny thing about boobs at RenFest: apparently they're ok so long as they arent cartoony and on a t-shirt. I wore a t-shirt with a nose-art style pinup to RenFest, and got the coldest stare ever from the woman who took my ticket after she looked at my shirt.

    This lady, incidentally, was falling out of her dress.

    Good times!

  4. Dean, Webster, and Lucky...

    Oh yeah, and I forgot to mentions there were boobs everywhere.

    At one point and time my wife and I were talking and I suggested that she buy some wench wear, and we could go dressed up like that next year. My son did not appreciate that at all. He's not a prude or anything, but just can't imagine his momma like that.

    My son I'm sure as much as any other male appreciated the spillage.

  5. I love the Ren-fest, however it's quite expensive. We haven't gone in a few years.

    We do have friends that buy passes and go every weekend that it's here. They dress up for it and everything...they're really into it.

    I do love me a big old turkey drumstick from the Ren-fest, though. That's good eatin!

    Speaking of boobs everywhere...I wonder if Joker goes to the one in Mass? I think it's called King Richard's Faire there.

  6. Very cool! They have a big Renaissance Fair here that runs for a couple months in the fall. I have only gone one time and everyone was really into it.
    I'm laughing at the comment you made about your son not wanting his mom to dress like that. My son is almost nine, and he already has very specific ideas about how moms should dress.

    Ann- boobs everywhere...I'm sure Joker makes an appearance. LOL. Speaking of Joker, does anyone know when he is supposed to be back from his trip?

  7. He's back home and just posted his first post about the trip.

  8. Ann,
    Yeah, I can't afford to go every year, let alone want to. Every other year at the most would suit me fine. Drumsticks, I almost had one till I found out they wanted 7 bucks! I passed.

    BB, I think all son's have a hard time picturing their moms as anything other than prudent. But a boy has to ask ones self, how did he become in the first place?

    And yes, Joker is back. I read his post already. Looks like he had a great time with the Blackstone Chapter. I'm sure if he is his usual self, we'll here all about, or see B(.)(.)BS too.

  9. Hey I just hopped over to 'luckys' blog
    Because he mentioned being fron AZ.
    Another story writer.
    Started reading some.
    It's pretty damn good.
    Different from my shictk.
    but interesting.

  10. Breast Thanks for the cool picts. Protruberages at these festivals puts biker rallies to shame.

    I want a critter water bottle.

    Thanks for the picts. I went someplace new today.

  11. FLHX Dave,

    Glad to share. Glad you enjoyed the pics.

    Yeah, I want a critter water bottle too. Just got to find one somewhere now.

  12. This looked awesome. I've never been to a "Ren-Fest/Breast Fest" before. I've really been missing out! We have something in Montgomery at the Shakespeare Festival. I will have to check it out.

    I loved the painting of the dragon on the motorcycle. I could see that in my house somewhere. Cool! Thanks for taking to the Festival!

  13. I meant to say us, "thanks for taking us"... duh!

  14. Lady R.,
    You must go. My wife is glad she went after all these years. She wants to go again now.

  15. Great blog. Just so you know... ... ... the person wearing pink in photo 1 is a man. I kid you not.

  16. i love renaissance festival and faire..and i will attend 2010 renaissance festival on Oct..

    but your information useful for us..


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