Friday, September 5, 2008

God really does care. Here is an inspirational photo as proof of God's love for us all.

This almost put a lump in my throat...
I seldom pass along inspirational or spiritual stuff, but this one really got to me.
I believe, in these difficult and mean-spirited times in which we live, there needs to be a message of hope.
We can all use a single image that speaks to us of love, harmony, peace, and joy.

I have been sent that image, and I want to share it with all of you.
All I ask is that you take a moment to reflect on it...


He really does care!


  1. Too funny. Probably sacriligious but still funny.

  2. Hysterical! But I think this is the work of a drunken leprechaun, not God. At the end of the rainbow...The Beer Store! That's my kinda rainbow! LOL!

  3. Love it. I giggled. I'm with Ann, that's my kind of rainbow!

  4. lol, Funny. So the rainbow represents God's promise not to flood the earth again with water. Maybe he is hinting he will flood it with beer this time around.

  5. As long as He floods it with Yeungling, I'm in!!! ;)

  6. Some where over the rainbow... where happy little bluebirds sing, and beer is cold! LOL!

  7. Dean,
    I hope it isn't sacriligious. After All Jesus drank wine, why not beer?

    Drunken leprechaun, too funny!

    Maybe there is Cuervo Gold on the other end of the rainbow!

    God would have a hard time flooding with beer, because we would try to drink it, and store it as it came down. Thus the earth would not flood so easily.

    Mrs RC,
    I've got to try that Yuengling someday. It keeps popping up on the blogs. Must be something to it!

    Lady R,
    From now on, I'll never not see this picture in my head when I hear the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow.


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