Friday, December 12, 2008

Aim High. What's the worst that could happen?

Dedicated to my Nutso off-road blogger buddy Tony.

This is not so much of a balze of glory but a Wholly Sh*t moment!


  1. That's a WTF moment if I ever saw one! Yikes!

  2. Cool, Thanks! I don't think that's going to turn out quite like he had planned! He's definitely saying, "oh crap" right about now! LOL! ..CRAZY!

  3. I'm glad a couple of people found some humor in this.

  4. The rider is thinking "It looked so easy in the 'Crusty Demons of the Dirt video!'"

    I can only guess how much it hurt when he ran out of altitude.

  5. Here's a Video that I posted on my blog a while back of something similar. It's nasty, he broke both legs. I guess they live up to the name "metal mulisha" being held together by metal plates and screws. I wish I could say I was doing something spectacular when I broke my arm.LOL! Trust me, I don't need to push the limits that far!


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