Friday, December 12, 2008

Awesome artwork you must see...

I try not to post more than once a day because I often don't have enough material to post once every day. Today is different. I can't wait to share this with readers who might not catch this good blog I regularly read myself. I just popped over to Forty Years On Two Wheels, a noteworthy moto-blog, and read Doug Klassen's post about A Babe in the blogging Woods. I've noticed on Doug's blog that in the side bar he has a photo of a most spectacular water color painting of a motorcycle.

original watercolor painting by Debbie Klassen

I've seen it many times before, and studied it. The first time I laid eyes on it, I was in awe of how that much detail could be done with watercolor. From a distance, it looks airbrushed. I'm an artsy fartsy kind of fellow myself, and this kind of quality does not go unrecognized. Too bad that before today, I never noticed the link below the photo on Doug's blog. Salt and Light Studio Fine Art watercolor. Hell, until today's post on Doug's blog I never even knew his wife was the fine artist of the painting that I so many times have drooled over. Her name is Debbie Klassen. She's a great painter of high caliber in my opinion. If you like art, and you like motorcycles, go check it out! She obviously paints more than just motorcycles, but her husband Doug has a great passion for them, and She is recently sharing a love for a Honda Ruckus herself. Rumor has it she is starting her own blog. I look forward to seeing what she might have to say!


  1. I have frequented Doug's blog many times in the past but never really noticed the painting. Very nice.

  2. This is a fine painting. I wonder if she had a real Ariel Square Four to paint from?

  3. Nice work! Watercolor is pretty unforgiving and it takes talent to make that happen least as far as I am concerned. I gave it a shot and failed miserably!

    A talented ruckus rider for sure.

  4. I popped over to look at Debbie's blog. Very talented indeed. I love her style.

    Some other girl friends and I have started watercolor painting about once a month. There is a place here in Montgomery, called "Corks and Canvas". For $30.00, you can produce the feature painting of the night. They provide all the supplies and artist instruction. You just show up with your bottle of wine or whatever you wish to drink, and paint and have fun. My first two projects turned out surprisingly nice and I have them hung in my home.

    I have a long way to go to reach the level in talent that Debbie has gotten to, but I can appreciate her work immensely.

    Besides, this is another way to express ones creativity or to release a days worth of stress. A hobby like this goes well with a biker. When it's to cold or wet to ride, you can stay in and paint! (Unless your catching up on blogging! LOL!)

    BTW... word verification: "poldecop": Survey of 100 Policemen on their favorite doughnut shop.

  5. That's very cool. I checked out her site, and she's got a lot of great works. I wish I had the time to paint. I think I would like it. I actually want to learn how to weld, because I have some great project ideas involving large pieces of metal. Maybe someday.

  6. Thank you all for your comments and visiting my blog after Mr. Motorcycle kindly mentioned me. Sometimes, painting alone in the studio gets dreary but you encouraged me!

  7. If someday I ever do get A novel published.
    I think I may have just found the local artist to do the cover.
    Great work.

  8. Big Daddy,
    I'd be honored if you'd give me a shot at it.


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