Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How tequilla really works

If you see this, It is not safe to drive.

Do NOT ride your motorcycle home.

Get a cab, or ride bitch.

I know you are thinking it so I'll just say it.

No her name is not Bitch.


  1. LMFAO!!! That's worse than beer goggles! :)

  2. That is worse than what Bud does to a guy. I will try to keep this lesson in mind.

  3. I do not drink drink the stuff anymore for I only have one arm left:)

  4. ROTFLMAO!!!! This is just too funny!

    Webster... We call it Ta-kill-ya for the exact reasons you stated!
    "Oh, the girls all get prettier at closing time!"
    Dean... LOL!

  5. Mr. M, you have no idea how many long repressed memories this just brought back. I might have to go get totally shit faced to get those thoughts out of my head!

  6. Your post hit a jackpot here.
    You brought back many memories...some of them good in spite of the distortion effect.. but riding home bitch....give me a break

  7. I'd get with her even without the tequilla. The bigger the cushion the sweeter the pushin.

  8. It ain't just tequilla that does that. Brings back fond memories of waking up in a strange bed with some kid with a funny accent playing with my feet...followed by the first time I realized that in the stillness of early dawn, the sound of a set of keys shifting in a pants pocket may as well be a frigging dinner gong.

  9. Your comments are all funnier than the joke!

  10. Tequila just will not do it! You need the other Maquey...Mezcal...a "Reposado or Anejo"...to to turn that last call honey into a genuine hottie you have to swallow the worm...actually a "Snout Weevil"...yes, a righteous hog should have a masculine name...mine is "Love Mscle"

  11. John Stambaugh,
    I learned something today about Anejo, and Snout weevils, not worms in tequila.


    Love muscle. That's just downright perverted, and sick. I love it!


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