Monday, January 19, 2009


This is a spin off of some things that were said on Road Grits Cafe the other day. FLHX Dave posted Suddenly, I'm a Cracker. Which brought up all sorts of interesting comments about racism, racist jokes, and this spun off into Blonds, sexism, and you name it regarding, being politically correct, and not so politically correct.

The fact is people need to...
A:), not just assume things about other people,
B:), just need to LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP!

I made some funny's in his comments. Thankfully, I've gotten no flack for it. I guess you need to know who's in company, and realize that no matter what you do or say, you will never make everyone happy. Although I do do my best.

So, let me preface this by saying I am not racist. "I hate LOVE everyone equally", and I am not a homophobe, and I am not sexist. This is of course all just my own opinion. I like to joke with everyone about everything, and try my best to take no offense, unless true offense was it's intent. I'd prefer, in a perfect world, if nothing were taboo. I like to speak my mind.

Today on the radio, I heard a really funny comedian.
I'm going to share his wit, as best as possible without offending anyone. (Hopefully)

"There are a lot of people out there who find the mere though of homosexual sex as dirty, disgusting, and perverted. I dunno, I think Heterosexual sex is dirty, disgusting, and perverted. At least it's supposed to be.
If you don't wake up in the morning embarrassed, and ashamed, then you didn't do it right!"



  1. Labels are very important in the scheme of life. If you're allergic to peas and dinner is almost ready and cans didn't have labels, it's possible your day wouldn't end well.

    People don't need labels. If they are an as@ they will let you know in their own way. If they look different than you it just means they aren't you.

    Political Correctness is a bunch of crap. Use the Golden Rule and treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Life would be so much simpler.

  2. AZ Dude - The Golden Rule always rules.

    Mr M - Good joke.

  3. Here's how I figure it. If a man flirts with a woman, there will be two responses. 1. She will be flattered. 2. She will consider it harrassment. Same goes for this subject. I think you hit the mark when you say "know who's in company"

    AZHarleyDude - Amen to that brother.

    my word verification, I shit you not - ministr (This must be the church of Mr.M)

  4. That was supposed to be funny?....I just thought it was a factual statement. ;)

  5. You'll never please everyone. Get with the program dude.
    Political correctness my A...

  6. Never thought much of the PC type of writing. There's not much worth writing if your always afraid of printing something that's offensive to someone. It's the nature of the printed word, without face time...ya gonna piss someone off...

  7. Love the joke. :)

    Deleted my own blog due to unneeded drama from my bf's crazy ex-wife. *sigh*

    But I'm still readin' your's!

  8. Nice thing about bloggin is that if you don't like what someone writes you don't have to read it.

    I say "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything"

    Keep bloggin and I'll keep reading.

  9. Thanks all for your views and comments!

    I've got some more "Engrish" for you all...

    I was out to eat at a Chinese restaurant for lunch the other day. After we got done, the waiter brought us our bill, and some fortune cookies. The others at the table opened and read theirs. They usually have lucky numbers on the back side of the fortune, or depending on what restaurant, will maybe have "learn to speak Chinese phrases" on them. Well when I got to mine, I said my "Learn to speak Chinese Phrase" says "beautiful girl" translation = "goorooking" They laughed with tears. Try this one!

  10. For more funny "Engrish" read this post from Baron's Life...

  11. Mr M, if only this case were that simple. Those are my beliefs too, but... *sigh*

    I'ma gonna make a new blog, elsewhere on here. :) Just not at the moment. :D

  12. My head spins with all the BS about PC. I long for the days when we weren't so mamby pamby about hurting peoples feelings and just do what makes sense for the situation. I wonder if we'll ever get them back.

    Nice joke Mr. M! As Harley would say... Down and dirty! That's the way I like it. LOL! (JK really!)


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