Thursday, February 26, 2009


Kanji is a Japanese pictogram. It is what we usually think of when we see Asian writing of any kind. I can not tell the difference between Korean, Chinese, Japanese, or any other. They all look the same to me.

I amongst others in the motoblogosphere have been getting the shit spammed out of me big time. I've been deleting the comments left by this "ed" mutherfucker. Ed is using Kanji, or some other similar Asian pictogram writing to get his message across. I think he's got some nifty software working for him, or a company doing it because he is either manually wasting his time, or somehow bypassing word verification. This shit takes time! I deleted 14 comments left from him today alone!

I'd hate to have to do comment moderation. Hopefully he'll get tired of us soon. Your best weapon is to delete his comments folks! If you leave them, he wins. If you put your cursor over them, you'll see they are hyper links. I would not click on them to see where they go. They may link into VIRUSville, or he may get money for clicks, which could be his motivation.

Ed, I have one thing to say to you....

Oh, yeah, ed, In case you can't read Engrish, turn your head ed sideways, to read Go Fuck Yourself!


  1. Thanks for this! Ed's been to my blog too.

  2. Hint -
    If you comment moderate for a little while you will likely get off ed's little list and then you can return to normal business.

    - The Wife

    PS: Whats for dinner?

  3. When ed hit the scene recently, I was really glad I now moderate. Of course, it still didn't stop a few dozen 'eds' from littering my email box as I subscribe to all comments. I think your wife has the right idea wives usually do.

    Love your version of Kanji, and the message even better!

    Word Ver: brothr


  4. Joker,
    Yeah, I subscribe to comments too. They are easy to delete, It just takes more time to go to and delete each and every blog entry that he spams of your own, because you physically have to go to each post.

    We'll see how long he decides to lurk around. If he keeps it up much longer, I will moderate my comments for a while.

    On the theme of wives are usually right, in tomorrow's post, I'll eat a little crow.

  5. Love your message for Ed! Here I thought it was just some poor dumb bastard who didn't know how to type.

  6. Huh...well now, my ears have pricked up a bit...Ed huh? Rat Bastard....
    Thanks for the heads great work on your own Kanji...

  7. LOL, oh well. I figured someone else was going to chime in on poor old ed. And here I thought I thought I was the only one who ed visited. I am but a humble servant to your cause brother.

    Nothing like a virtual beat down!

  8. I haven't seen an ed comment on comments that I subscribe to, or on one of my own since FLHX Dave and I posted about it. "Knock on Wood".


Comments with links will be deleted, so do not even bother. Hiding a link in your name will not work either.
No one rides for free.